
Desktop keeps shutting off , and leaves msg something : IP stack corrupted?

by Guest55617  |  earlier

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My pc keeps shutting off on its own, sometimes 5 min, after starting, sometimes 30 seconds, and sometimes 20 min. I cleaned the fan, and it's not a heating prob I don't think. I scanned, and no viruses as far as I have looked. I DID notice however it shuts offf quickly when i try to uninstall something from add/remove. it even does it in safe mode. I have tried all things that I know, if someone is educated in this area and can provide me some help, I would appreciate any input. I also restored it to a previous time, which did no good. I will also add that lightening shut it off the other night.




  1. Download and run Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from to check your computer for viruses and spyware.

  2. If your internet connection stops working after removing spyware using adaware or spybot, or because you removed a virus, your TCP/IP stack may have been corrupted.  Running WinsockXPFix.exe may correct this problem.

    If you have Vista try the following:

    Run ccleaner:

    then run:

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