
Desparate Kiwi: Rugby World Cup on TV in South Korea??

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What channel can I watch the Rugby World Cup Semi's on in South Korea? I'm gonna be there overnight on the 14th Oct (en route to Paris for the finals), and I gotta watch the All Blacks!! TIA!




  1. Try catching it online over the IRB or the Setanta Sports web sites.

  2. If you couldn't get it on TV, try a live feed from a device called TVU player. However, this feed is from STAR Sports - Which broadcasts in asia...

  3. if you have cable tv, star sports will be showing it live as well as the australia vs england game


  4. They might be able to pick up Japanese channels there, and since the Japanese quite like Rugby it might be available. You could try to contact seem Kiwis, Brits or Aussie expats working there, as they would know; people working for companies such as Samsung.

  5. maybe u could try watching it on PC, or just get the results

  6. I Know a website ( where you can watch each half of every game after they've been played (including the abs), no charge either.

  7. go to a sports bar, thats where i go to watch the springboks play! and tahts where i'll ne going when SA play the kiwis in the finals!

  8. You can try watching it online at or

    I think you need to ask the South Korean people where do they watch rugby games.

  9. Could you try the web at an internet cafe?

    What airline are you flying?  If it is Air NZ you could ask the air stewards as they will now the area and probably want to watch it too!

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