
Desperate For A Natural Outlet... someone PLEASE help!

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I am dealing with tonsillar cellulitis or peritonsillar abscess. The only answer I can see online is surgical drainage or insition a long with a course of antibiotics. I am VERY reluctant to take antibiotics because I am sure it is that which has gotten me in this mess. I had to take 7 courses of antibiotics in 1.5 yrs and have since had a staph infection, an upper respiratory virus and now this. PLEASE, can someone please tell me I can cure this without surgery? So far it is not a huge abscess, but only causing minor swelling and irretation. I am currently taking Goldenseal, Echenacea and a homeopathic remedy called Heph Sul. So far nothing has changed. PLEASE HELP! Scared to death here and desperate! THANKYOU ALL!




  1. You could try some licorice tea.

    then some lemon with garlic and ginger in it.

    If it's not too painful try eating some food with chilli in it, such as pasta with pasta sauce and tons of Korean chilli paste added to it.

    Chilli is an effective antibacterial.


    they have some info

  3. Take Olive leaf Extract (500mg) capsules, one capsule, two or three times daily just before food..... you can also get it in a liquid form .....  children can take olive leaf Elixir..... Olive leaf extract has been used as a natural antiotiobic for thousand years, but is only recently that scientific research has shown that its active ingredient oleuropein, has the ability to fight a broad range of infective microorganisms.... Oleuropein has been found to be effective in fighting bacteria, fungi, yeasts, parasites and viruses in laboratory studies.

    Eat foods and condiments that are natural antiobiotics too ~ raw garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, radishes, fenugree, fresh gingerroot, chilli and plenty of raw salads and fruits and their juices......... ifyou find it difficult to eat hot spicy things try eating them with plenty of food and even small amounts of these things can help to expel infected mucous from your body....... try grating raw garlic or expelling its juice in a garlic press or chop it into tiny pieces and mix through cooked foods and salads thus a little easier to tolerate...... or add some fresh garlic juice to your vegetable juice cocktail.......... raw garlic and other plants from the onion family are superb powerful naturall antiobiotics and can help to eradicate and control infections from any part of the body.... even in cases where there is resistance to antiobiotic drugs....if you absolutely hate raw garlic and its odor then you can use the garlic capsules which aren't as effective.

    Have a peek at this link, it may be of use to you ~

    Take a good quality probiotic also to recolonise the good bacteria in your gut & bolster your immunity and digestion ........  antibiotics wipe out all the bacteria and leave our immune systems wide open for infection.......  ;0)

    Oops, sorry about the canker sore info..... still take a multi B complex including all the B's to deal with the stress of being unwell and increase your intake of fresh fruit and veg and avoid fatty foods, eggs, dairy products, meat, refined carbs and sweet foods..... a sluggish digestive tract and poor elimination is sometimes the cause for abscesses.

    hope this helps a bit

    peace 2 u

  4. I had some problems in my throat and mouth too.  I took 7 drops of Oil of Oregano 5 times a day (burns but relieves).  Also, you need to get some really good probiotics to add good bacteria back into your system.  I like the Garden of Life people.  Hope this helps.


  5. I am all for natural remedies if they help. Personally, I have yet to learn more about this. Having been on several different antibiotics in a short period of time is hard on your gut and on your body especially the bacteria is resistant. So, even though you are looking for natural medicine help which I cannot offer insight on, I will offer another piece of advice which may or may not help.

    If you suffer from chronic infections that do not go away and you have been diagnosed with such things like abscesses and cellulitis, I suggest you be seen by an immunologist who specifically deals with disorders of the immune system and not just allergies and asthma. Even seeing a good ENT might be the place to start, because sometimes antibiotics alone aren not going to fight this fight. However, natural remedies have their place and I cannot say whether they will help but certainly are worth looking into as therapy even alongside of traditional medical treatment. Please consider the severity that such an abscess and cellulitis could turn into and in some cases can become life threatening. I have had cellulitis so bad from my ear that the doctor was afraid it would turn into meningitis.

    The best treatment I ever had and wish I could get it again was IVIG. I went a whole year without hardly getting sick, but in my case I needed it. Peace and get better soon.

  6. I can see you have a lot going on.  Look up colloidal silver.  It is a superior all-natural, no side effects antibiotic and infection attacker.  

    It's getting a lot of attention these days because it is so naturally effective for handling infection - it only gets the "bad" bugs and not everything in your body like antibiotics do.  It's been around for a very long time as you can read on the Web.

    My husband had a wicked chest/lung situation for years, nothing his doctor tried giving him would handle it.

    I did some research and found out about colloidal silver and we got some and used it.

    It worked.  

    Best wishes,


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