
Desperate for children ...?

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i have been desperate to have children for almost 6 years and i am 22 years old. i love children and feel bad when i think of all the years i may have to wait to have them. i dont date-- have never dated and i have considered adoption but i feel i have to wait a few years to be even remotely considered. is there anything i can do?




  1. Try working for a day care center. It still is not the same all it will do is teach you that kids are a lot of work. If you don't plan to date and still want to have children know it is harder as a single parent. But can be done. It sounds like will be a great mother. Time will give you a child. But there is alternatives to having children with out a partner. Human artificial insemination. In humans artificial insemination is used as assisted reproductive technology primarily to treat infertility but is increasingly used to enable women without a male partner (i.e. single women and lesbians) to become pregnant and to produce children by using sperm provided by a sperm donor. The woman is the genetic and gestational mother of the child, and the sperm donor is the genetic or biological father of the child. Good luck with what ever choice you make.

  2. Why not find a job as a nanny or work in a child care centre. That way you can work around kids all you want until you are ready to have your own.

  3. I would enjoy your life, get out there and date, wait for marriage, and then have a baby! Sounds traditional, but I was a single mom for 5 years, and trust me, it is not the best thing in the world to do. Don't get me wrong, I love my son that I raised on my own for so long until  I met my husband, but think about the child too. Doesn't he/she deserve to have a dad around? Children are wonderful and such a blessing to have, but like the other users have been saying, you ARE very young. Even if you had a baby in the next 6 would still be very young. If you want a baby so bad, think about that baby and what would be best for him or her. You will be a better mother because of it.

  4. Be a foster parent.

  5. You are way too young! Are you financially stable to have children?

    You need to date first before you think about having children. Get out there and date and put off having children for a while.

  6. My gosh, but u are still so young!! I understand u wanting to have children so bad and let me tell u that feeling broody is very natural at ur age. THink about it though, u still have many many years to go and people deliver healthy babies at 40 even. If u were to have a child, would u not want to be able to give it everything it could possibly need? Good schooling, loving upbringing, the ability to afford a child.

    THat said, there are plenty things u can do do start preparing for a child - work hard and save to afford a child, maybe start thinking of dating, learn about raising children.

    Just like with all of us - ur time will come.

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