
Desperate for help?

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Am a mother to 3wonderful children(2girls 1 boy). Am 27 yearsold. i really like to get my high school diploma. but then my husband gets irritated everytime i go and register at a GED class so i can continue my education. He saids am just wasting fuel for the car going to attend more education and that i shouldve done that before. The thing is yes..I should've done that before. But i got pregnant with his child...our child. i feel totally stress out with my pregnancy and i got through with it. he never understood it. he always makes me feel down. he mention for me not to have any habit cause am not working. which i do not have any habit and never had any. i focus myself on my kids and him. i never got anything for me since back then in 1997 till now. i mean you know sometimes ladies reward themself with perfume, earring, purse and many more to mention. well me i never got those from his paycheck. is there anyway i can get free tutor online for GED? I got to get a job for me and my kids




  1. I can't believe your partner is being like that.  Looking after kids is such hard work.  Just because you have kids does not mean that it is time to stop thinking about ever getting a job or improving yourself.  I think that actually a bit of time out form the kids doing something that you want to do and that you will enjoy it great for you and your family too.

    I am sorry i do not know about if you can get help with work online where you are.  I have just started an Open university degree where you work from home but that is a lot easier if your kids are at school.  I Live in Norfolk, England.  You can also get help with paying for this type of study.

    Good luck with what you do.  I really think you should stick to your guns and say that this is something you need to do for yourself and for your family.  You will be a better Mum if you feel that you are having some time to yourself too (everyone needs some time to do what they like or they will become unhappy and resentful).  You are only 27, it's not like you are going off out everynight shopping or clubbing!!!! Good luck!

  2. Go to school now, It does not take away from the fact that you are Mother to 3 children and a wife. Getting your GED will not take away from that. Let me ask you something if you start on a educational goal tomorrow where do you see yourself in 5 yrs.?  A 32 yr. old mother of 3 and wife with a degree in ??? Or a 32 yr. old Mother of 3 and wife.

    My point is life goes on with or without you, dont miss out its way better what is in store for you otherwise.

  3. I am not sure if there is any classes on line for GED, but man how can you be with someone who does not want you to progress in life? You are going the right route in that you want something better for you and your children; I commend you, but just imagine if he is not around what would you fall back on? You don't only need a GED, but now a days you also need a college degree. I say, put a stop to the abuse and do something for yourself. Tell him that is what you want to do and he needs to support your ideas like a husband is suppose to. Tell him you are doing it for your family, hopefully he will understand. Good luck and try googling GED online.

  4. You're right, you need to get your GED, and get a job.  It sounds as if your husband is trying to keep you from bettering yourself, putting you down and trying to "control" you.  It's mental & emotional abuse, a form of domestic abuse.

    I've listed 2 sites below that say they'll help you get your GED, you take the courses and practice tests online, but I think you do have to go somewhere to take the actual GED test.

    Seek help and encouragement where you can get it, hopefully from family or friends.

    Persevere, and get your GED, you'll be a better person and Mom for it.  Take care and God bless!

  5. you need to assess what you want out of your life and who will support it. You need think very seriously on this. You are entitled to buy your self things just as you are to an education. There is plenty of help out there for you to restart a life

  6. awwww at least he stayed with you.  but hes a jerk my mom wanted to go to college but her husband (not my biological father--my brothers) but he wouldnt let her and he was abusive you should leave him

  7. yes goto where u can take classes online! u really need the class! ur husband is just being a hog and wants u to himself good luck!

  8. Your partner should be supporting you with his pay and supporting you if you want to get a diploma.Im not sure where you are from but you should be able to get some kind of help from Centrelink if you want to study.Follow your heart and dont get put down.Yes kids come first but sometimes you need to put yourself first.Good luck and all the best.
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