
Desperate ploy or tragic fact: my ex girlfriend claims to be one week pregnant?

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I break up with her, I say I don't want to see her, no more phone calls, texts, or emails, and she says she's one week pregnant. Sounds hoakie to me, what do you think?




  1. 69answer, I've had this happen to me more than I'd have liked, and its always been a ploy.  Unless you know/believe it's a ploy, blow it off (forget about it).  If it isn't, I'm sure you'll hear about it.  Good luck man!!!

  2. LIE. it takes 2 weeks AFTER her period to even CONCEIVE the baby... theres NOWAY she can be 1 week pregnant...unless shes pregnant and FURTHER along.. even with a blood test she would be at leasr 2-3 weeks!

  3. Tell her that you want to be there when she takes the pg test.  She may feel pg, but she may not be.

  4. uhh riiight.

    sounds like a ploy.

    my ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend did that to him too.


  5. I don't think it can be true. One week is wayyyyy too early. She can't know. To find out I think you have to wait 2 weeks or 5 days before her period to take a test. I think she's lying. But if she is.  Don't leave her!

  6. tell her to take a prego test in front of u see wut excuse she cums up with not to do it lol

  7. Yeah, that kind of sounds a little fishy to me.

    Try tracking down if she's been to the doctor.

    Also tell her if she's trying to trick you or not.

    This will get her to realize that you cant be played with.

  8. There is no way she could even know if she was pregnant after only one week. Most women don't even know until at least a month later. She's either desperate to keep you around or she missed her period or something and is freaking out thinking shes pregnant when she really doesn't know for sure. Ask her how she knows. On the other hand, if she does turn out to really be pregnant you should take full responsibility and support the baby regardless of your current feelings for her.

  9. Well, did you have s*x with her a week ago?

    It might sound hoakie to you, but if you were planning to tell her you were breaking up with her, why did you have s*x with her, Moron!

  10. Normally you don't find out when you are one week pregnant. Take her to a free clinic. And if she's lying tell her to f*** off, because that is so messed up.

  11. Really impossible to tell if you are 1 week pregnant. Count back how long since you did it too!

    Then tell her that you will contact her in one month to meet her at the doctors office for an official test.

  12. There's no way she missed even a period yet. So she'd have to be checking all the time in order to know that she's even pregnant. In my opinion this has got to be a desperate ploy. Two months later if she still says she is, then go to the doctor with her, then you'll see if she's a liar or not. I mean yeah she could be pregnant but you can have a miscarriage when it's that early in the pregnancy. I wouldn't even tell anyone until the third month. That's just me though.  

  13. lol the earliest she can find out is four most often five weeks. Keep track of when you had s*x and get a paternity test if she is pregnant. My cousin sleept with another man to get pregnant and blamed it on her ex. Watch yourself.

  14. No woman knows when they are a week pregnant. Most pregnancy tests won't show positive until, at the earliest, 5 days before a missed period. By the time a test shows positive, most women are 4-5 weeks pregnant, not one week.

  15. She is faking. No one knows they are pregnant after a week. It wont even show up on a test yet.

  16. You wouldn't know if you were pregnant at just one week. Pregnancy is counted from the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle, so technically if she was only one week pregnant then she would have just recently ended her period and a pregnancy test would not detect pregnancy that early if she even is pregnant (which is unlikely). Sounds to me like she's messing with your mind buddy!  

  17. Make her take a pregnancy test. I dont think anyone could know that they are only one week. The day I found out I was pregnant was actually on the day where me and my sons father broke up. We got into a huge fight that morning and he said he was done with us. But I was also very far into my pregnancy, so it wasn't hard to believe.

  18. If you look at the time periods of each week in pregnancy, being one week pregnant actually means it is two weeks BEFORE she is even pregnant.  Most women don't even know that they are pregnant until they are four or five weeks pregnant (this is when the period is missed).  

    Ask her to get her facts straight and then plain and simple, ask her to take a test in front of you!

  19. Ridiculous. You can't tell you're pregnant if you're just one week in. She's just desperate to be with you. If she's that obsessed with you, maybe you should give her a few more 'whys' as to why you broke up with her. Then maybe she can understand and let you go.  

  20. Well, ask her to bring you to the doctors, or buy a pregnancy test and have her take it, if she refuses, don't believe her, but I wouldn't let her buy the test, as she could have someone else pee on the stick or buy a fake one.  

  21. Well all you can do is make her take a Pregnancy test while your there, and if it comes up positive discuss whether she's been with anyone else and then think of you all's options and if she decides to have the baby DNA test to be sure she didn't pull an "okie doke" on you!

  22. One week pregnant?  Sounds off to me.  One week is TECHNICALLY a week after her last period.  Week 2 is the week of conception... so I wouldn't believe her.  If she said "one month", that'd be different.  But a week?  I don't think so.

  23. She's an idiot. The count starts with the first day of your last period, so if you ovulate and concieve two weeks after that date, you're considered two weeks pregnant when the conception actually occurs.

    No one could ever possibly know they were one week pregnant because that implies they can predict with 100% that they're going to have a successful conception.

  24. hm.  get her to take a pregnancy test and show you the results.  I suggest she takes about three or four just to verify the results.

    but if you did get it on, then it's very possible that she IS pregnant, especially if you didn't use protection.

  25. She's lying.. There's no way she would factually know that she's pregnant at one week.. The soonest you can find out is the 4-5 weeks.

  26. you wouldnt know if you were one week pregnant,sounds like she is trying to get back together with you tell her to grow up and get a life

  27. She's lying.

    One week? I don't think so. Don't ignore her.

    But don't get back together with her either.

    And deff. don't sleep with her!!!

  28. well it sounds like she is just sayin that to get you back..but you wouldn't know if you've had s*x with her and used protection

  29. hahaha well hon, theres no need to worry. NO woman can tell they're pregnant at 1 week. the earliest is between 4-6. it sounds to me like she ran out of ideas to keep you and thought that this would work. and if you're still doubtfull, call her out on it and ask her to take a pregnancy test (at a free clinic, they give you a pregnancy verification paper if its positive) in a few weeks. i doubt it'll come out positive. good luck!

  30. How would she know she was 1 week pregnant? Sounds like a ploy to keep you.

  31. Suspicious. Treat it as if you believed her and tell her you will go with her to her first doctors appointment when they give her a pregnancy test. Tell you you want to be in the room when the doctor gives the results. Odds are pretty good she'll back down or having a "miscarriage." (And in that case, please don't be a jerk about it. Just tell her you're sorry and you hope she has a good life. She's obviously desperate to try to lie about being pregnant.)

    Then start making future plans to prevent this sort of thing. Always, always use condoms, preferably with a spermicide. Talk to your partners about whether they are using birth control pills or the patch or some other form of contraception.

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