
Desperate to stay awake... scared of sleep... help please!?

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For the last five days i've been pushing myself to stay awake because i'm feeling scared of going to sleep. I know it sounds silly but i feel incredibly anxious and start scaring myself, this has been getting worse progressivly over the last few weeks and months... i went to boots and bought some energy tablets to keep me awake but i'm getting so tired it's scaring me and i feel like if i tell my parents they'd just laugh. It sounds so stupid but i cant go to sleep! What should i do?




  1. Tell your parents. If they care about you and im sure they do, they will help you out. They might try to sleep in the same room with you so you wont be scared cause they are there. Maybe they make take you to see a doctor because it could be night terrors. Also im positive they wont laugh at you, they know they need to take care of you and this is serious. No sleep for five days, that is major badness there. In conclusion, TELL YOUR PARENTS!!!!

  2. what you need to do is read a funny or good book till you fall asleep then when you wake up you will know nothing will happen to you when your asleep

  3. Somniphobia - phobia of sleep.

    Is there a reason you've been feeling this way? A trigger? Maybe a terrifying movie (you haven't specified your age) or something? I think your best bet is to go to your parents. If this is a real phobia, you need help. Especially if it's getting progressively worse.

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