
Desperately trying to find the name of a modern Jewish movie!!?

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I cannot remember the name of this film, I THINK it's Jewish..It's not really a musical, but, gosh, it *does* seem to have some singing in it! (not sure)...It is not an old film. It surely could have been filmed 2-3 years ago but, it still could have been filmed, you know, 5-10 years ago...I don't know! But, it's not too old!!

Here's the detail: I think it's set in Bethlehem, but it's modern-day, as in, what would Bethlehem be like right now if you lived there as a current-day Jewish couple. I *think* it's Bethlehem but, not sure.

Also, I think the name of the movie IS a name---like, their last name or something. It's not like, "A Chance to Live" or some phrase, more like, somebody's unusual name.

The story line:

A (Jewish?) married couple who love each other are tight on money. I think the wife, who is plump and outspoken, is always praying to be able to get pregnant. She even offers a very special lemon as part of her sacrifice or faith seed, if I remember correctly. The plump wife is always tryiing to avoid the landlord, who keeps knocking on her door! She keeps pressuring her poor husband to try to find a way to get some money, because they have to pay the landlord, and their celebration is coming. The one that is not like Christmas, but I think it might be around the same time of year. Everyone has to be able to buy a structure the size of one room, like a tiny house, and put it in front of their homes, for one special night. They feast in this little room I think, on this special night. The couple doesn't have money for this structure and it is tearing them apart. The husband keeps praying to God very openly and honestly, and pleading to God, "Help me, oh, help me!" and trying to have faith but, it is hard. Then, he is given money out of the blue by I think some organization. He has money now! He can't wait to tell his wife! They had been having such bad troubles that she leaves him at some point and he is desolate and sorrowful. I think it is because of conflict that arises when an old family member or friend from the husband's wilder past, shows up at the last minute of their celebration (is it passover?)(hanukkah?) ...and he joins their family. But, he has just gotten out of jail, I think. In any event, the guest is rather scary and definitely irreverent to their observances. He kind of messes everything up--their whole, joyful night in the little structure which was supposed to be an exciting and holy event. ...The plump wife ends up leaving her husband after everything, but I think they get back together in the end. I think she ends of pregnant ..after wanting to get pregnant! (?) It is the sweetest movie, and I would love to rent or buy it but I just can't recall the name of it! Thanks for any help.




  1. Mark is correct, it is 'Ushpizin'.

    The holiday is Sukkot.  It lasts a week.

    'Ushpizin' are guests, traditionally we symbolically welcome the Patriarchs to the Sukkah as guests.  The film is named after the guests that actually do show up.

    Though these guys do really mess up the Sukkot holiday for the couple, both the host couple, through their intense devotion to the mitzvah of hospitality, and the guests themselves, are transformed and improved by the interaction.

    It's a great movie.

    The guy who made it was a big movie star in Israel, and then became very religious and left the industry, and had not been heard from (by movie people) in years.

    He wrote this movie and went to his Rabbi to ok making the movie -- something that is regarded suspiciously in that community, as it is such a secular pursuit.  He got the OK, and then went on to star in the movie with his wife, a non-actress, as co-star.  He said it had to be her because he could not film certain scenes with a woman-not-his-wife, due to the modesty and male/female interaction rules.

  2. The film is called "Ushpizin".

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