
Despite the evidence of corruption, political machines retained strong public support.?

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Why did people continue to support the machines?




  1. because the proofs are missing

  2. I don't believe there are many political machines in existence in the U.S. today. However, in the early 1900s when they more prevalent people would support them in part because of patronage. Essentially, big time political machines would help people get jobs in government and the people who got jobs would show their gratitude by voting for them.

  3. Because they are to busy watching American Idol to care about real issues. They are uninformed.

  4. Because they are convinced that the government is there to help and do things for them. So they continue to support it no matter the cost. The same reason why people continue to support political candidates for any office that have no regard for liberty or sensibility. They are convinced that the alternative will be worse, so to avoid that, they support their "team".

  5. You can answer this question this way:

    The Daley Machine elected Barack Obama to public office in Chicago/Illinois statehouse.  

    Why would he and his constituency want to end such a sweet and easy path to victory?

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