
Despite the socialization of norms in a society, why do others still deviate?

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I need this for my assignment in Sociology

It's about Deviant Behaviors




  1. Indifference gives them a sense of superiority. Makes them feel they are above the rest and different.  

  2. Lack of social solidarity. The weaker the social bonds are...the more likely the individual is to pursue narcissistic goals.


  3. There are four main theories that are suggested to explain why people commit deviant behaviour.  

    Structural Strain Theory, which suggests that people deviate because they are unable to attain their goals through socially approved means so they try and attain their goal through socially disapproved menas, and they deviate.

    Control Theory, this doesnt look at why people devaite but why people conform to norms.  Involvement, commitment, attatchment and beliefs are four elements to this theory.

    Labelling Theory, which suggests that when people are caught commiting deviant behaviour they are labelled with a mark of social disgrace or stigma, and they may deviate because of this label, this is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.  

    Cultural Transmission Theory, which suggests that deviant behaviour is caused through ones interaction with others and it is learnt.  Three elements of this is age, ratio and intensity.  

    Hope this helps, most sociological perspective books have information about this and all it takes is to go t your local library.  

  4. Because people do not like the idea of a 'stepford wife' society. It's our individual differences that make for an interesting world.

  5. People deviate so that they can separate themselves from society. Perhaps they feel that they have been slighted by society.

    Little do they know that by deviating, they are also conforming to the norms of the deviant society.

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