
Dessert only reception?

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Im planning my up coming wedding. Its not until October of 09 though, and I am planning on having a dessert only reception. I have two questions...

If you have ever had a desseret only reception- how was it and around what time did you have it?

What types of desserts should I have there?





  1. Never heard of just dessert. You want gifts at this wedding  and people will expect food of some kind.

    Time:  If you don't feed them then try 7:o'clock evening.

    Ice box cake dessert

    Graham crackers, bananas and pudding. Layer each one  a layer of graham crackers bananas and pudding   Make 4 layers and re fridge over night. It's very good and heavy.

    Also a box cake with jello and cool whip.  Cookies also.

    Good luck!

  2. My Mom and Dad had a dessert only reception (yes, way back then).  It included cake, ice cream and pie (2 different kinds).  Plus various beverages.   Their wedding was in the early afternoon and the reception was actually in the church basement (where they often held those kind of functions.  They got married during the week.

  3. An afternoon reception is the best for a dessert eating party. I love the idea of a dessert shmorgasborg .

  4. My best friend is getting married in August. Her wedding starts at 2:30, the cake/desserts and punch reception starts at 3:30. It doesn't interfere with anyone's meal time.

  5. I've never heard of one before. I think the problem with it is that let's say it starts at 7:30pm. . . that means the wedding is at around 6:30. Guests will arrive at 6:00. They will leave their house anywhere as early as 4:30 to get there depending on their distance and traffic. They will start getting ready around 3 something. For this reason people are expecting and need to eat a meal. They will be starving by the time the party is in full swing and dessert just isn't going to be enough. Something to think about. What about you? Won't you also be hungry?

  6. We basically did this for our wedding as we didn't have the money for a sit down meal for everyone.  

    We served punch, ice water with oranges floating in it, cake (bride and grooms), grapes, cheese, strawberries, chocolate covered strawberries, dinner mints, and peanuts.

    You don't want to do this during peak lunch or dinner times.  We held our wedding at 2pm and the reception immediately followed.

  7. We had the wedding cake and then we had tortes & other pastries, too, with something to drink.  

    You can have just about anything you want.  Just be sure to include a couple of really good sugarless desserts for those with health problems/restricted diets.

    The wedding was at 7:30pm, the reception followed immediately.

  8. Start it at 1 or 2 and have cake,cookies,pudding,icecream,candies,an... fruit trays.

  9. I think afternoon would be the best time to have it.

    A small variety is all thats needed, I think. Depends on whether you are catering or doing it yourself, as many desserts need to be cut or in the case of ice cream, scooped -- I wouldnt leave it to the guests to serve themselves. Or you could do pre-made bite-sized desserts, then people can just walk up and grab what they want.

    Ideas: mini fruit tarts, mini cheese cakes, fresh fruit, and wedding cake. You dont need tons of choices.

    For drinks, definitely need tea (hot and iced) and coffee to cut against all that sweetness. Champagne would be lovely for a toast with the main dessert, your wedding cake.

  10. We do weddings here in Oklahoma with cake and punch and coffee only all the time. In fact I have catered several. Cakes, pastries or what ever you like would be nice. I would say mid afternoon or around 6ish for evening.Most will have had lunch or dinner by then.

  11. Wow I am a huge desert freak. Love the idea, i have never been to a dessert reception but I guess it could be after dinner later in the evening so people eat dinner and then come to your party for dessert, coffee, drinks, and water.

    Cakes, chocolate covered everything, fruit, cookies, candy, candy apples, cheesecake.

    Love it.

    Good Luck!

  12. I have never heard of one, but it sounds like so much fun!  I would just be sure the reception is at a time where most people would have already eaten lunch or dinner...or the know about the "Dessert Only" reception.

    I think the wedding cake would be obvious, but you could also have various pies, brownies, ice creams, cookies, cobblers, etc.  You may also want to have several choices for those who are diabetic or simply watching their diets.

    Best wishes!  It sounds like a load of fun!

  13. A dessert-only reception should be held only in the late afternoon (before 4:00) or in the late evening (after 9:00).

    Make a Cookie Table, have a chocolate fountain with fruit available, a candy table, and don't forget a wedding cake.  You can also provide some veggie and cheese trays with some crackers.  Make sure you have some sort of punch, I wouldn't serve alcohol to people not eating.

  14. I have never been to a dessert only reception but I think it's a great idea!

    I don't know your theme, but I have had an italian theme for other parties which included cannolis, italian wedding cookies, tiramisu, etc.  All desserts were easy to make and keep well (in case you are doing it yourself!)  

    Tiramisu wedding cake

    also and then go to recipes section for desserts

    Also, you can't go wrong with fresh fruit!

    I think this would work best if your reception was after 12 pm and before 3 pm!  Good luck!

  15. I got married at 1:30 p.m. on an August Saturday and it was an afternoon snack reception. We had meat and cheese trays from the supermarket with bakery buns and yummy spread from mayo; fancy mustard; and cream cheese to go with wedding cake and candy.

    I think a dessert reception sounds fine if it is not at a peak mealtime but I would for diabetics and others who do not want to overload on carbs have some protein snacks there like meat and cheese at a minimum. Also perhaps a basket of fresh fruit.  Other than that go wild with whatever desserts strike your fancy.

    Have plenty of non-sweet iced tea; coffee; and ice water there as well to counteract the sweets overload.

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