
Destination world modeling?

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i got offered to be in the summer catalog. the girl called me and just told me to go to the interview & tobring any proffesional pics i had. Has anyone heard of them ? is this a scam




  1. How did they get your name?  Did you apply or is it just out of the blue?  Did they mail you something or was it e-mail?  How did they get your phone number?  How much time did they give you?  

    If you didn't apply to them, it's probably a scam.

    If the first contact was by e-mail, it's probably a scam.

    If the first contact with you was by phone, it's probably a scam.  It's certainly less than professional.

    If they ask for money, it's probably a scam.  

    If it's on a fairly short timing, say a couple of weeks, it's probably a scam.

    Normally, you'd apply for the job.  If you seemed like a good prospect, they'd contact you and ask for pictures or if you sent them one, more pictures.  They'd ask about experience, not that you're necessarily required to have any but it helps.  If you're under 18, they'd want parent or guardian permission.  

    The biggest indicator is if you contacted them or if they contacted you first.  Modelling is just a job.  It might be fun and you might actually get to go to exotic places (most models don't get out of the photo studio), but it's still a job and hard work.  Have you ever heard of any other type of company calling somebody and offering them a job if they haven't applied first?  What would you think if any other company just called you up, without knowing you or your skills, and offered you a job.  Wouldn't it sound kind of strange to you?  If you're of age and want to check it out, that's OK, but be cautious and don't take anything at face value.  And make sure other people know what you're doing and where you're going, name of the company, people's name, phone numbers, that kind of thing.

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