
Detailed street map of San Jose Costa Rica?

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Where can I find a detailed street map of San Jose Costa Rica? I am looking for a detailed city map (no cartoon-type maps).




  1. Try google earth or msn live maps.

  2. Goole Earth

  3. download google earth, you can zoom in to the roads.

  4. Here are three sites that feature maps of Costa Rica. You'll find what you seek at one of them:

    Almost all cities in Costa Rica, including San Jose, are built on a rectagular grid model. Avenidas (avenues) run east and west and calles (streets) run north and south. It matters not, however, what the name of a street might be, because all directions are given in relationship to landmarks, usually tall buildings, a sign or a business that has been in the same location for many years. This may seem complicated, but in a country as small as Costa Rica, the system works quite well.

    Churches are often used as landmarks, and directions will be given as, "200 meters north of the Soledad church." This would mean that the place you seek is two blocks north of the church (100 meters equals one block in tico-speak, whether any given block is actually 100 meters or not;-). And here's a good thing to remember: almost all churches face west, so if you see a church steeple, you will know what direction west is, and in what direction you are heading.

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