
Details about switzerland please, simple and easy quick answers?

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hey i am doing a class project and i need some simple information on switzerland. directions: brainstorm 20 details about this place. they don't have to be long and elaborate. they can be simple and easy., and they don't have to be sentences they can be simple....ex: skiing,...

please help ASAP its due 8th hour tomorrow but would like info before 11 O' Clock tonight or sometime tomorrow morning before 7:00 AM





  1. - The official name of Switzerland is Confoederatio Helvetica.

    - Known for its neutrality. A country is neutral when it does not takes sides among the countries who are at war. Switzerland has been neutral for more than 150 years.

    - There are four official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian, and Romansh.

    - The capital of Switzerland is Bern.

    - The largest city of Switzerland is Zürich.

    - United Nations main office in Geneva

    - The League of Nations was headquartered in Geneva.

    - Red Cross headquarters in Geneve

    - Famous with milk production

    - Famous with chocolate

    - Famous with cheese

    - Famous with watches

    - Famous with mountains

    - Famous with good banking system

    - Known for its good hospitality

    - No religion

    - A very small country

    - No sea border

    The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km². The land is divided into 26 areas called cantons. The 26 cantons are: Aargau, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Land, Bern, Fribourg, Genève (Geneva), Glarus, Graubünden, Jura, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thurgau, Ticino, Uri, Valais, Vaud, Zug, and Zürich.

    Switzerland has 2,889 villages, towns and cities.

    The mountains are very tall in Switzerland. About 60% of Switzerland is mountains. The Alps are in the centre and south of Switzerland. The highest mountain is the Dufour Peak at 4,634 m.

    Many of the mountains have ice every day. This ice is called glaciers. The rivers Rhine, Rhône, and many other rivers start in the mountains of Switzerland.

    There are many lakes in Switzerland. The biggest lakes are: Lake Geneva, Lake Zürich, Lake Neuchâtel and Lake Constance.

    There are no mountains in the north of Switzerland. There are many cities and towns in the north. The biggest cities are Zürich, Basel and Bern. Geneva and Lausanne are big cities in the southwest of Switzerland. The Jura mountains are in the west of Switzerland.

    [change] People

    There are about 7.5 million people in Switzerland. About 64% of the people speak German as their first language, in northern and central Switzerland. 19% of the people speak French as their first language, in the west of Switzerland. 8% of the people speak Italian, in the south of Switzerland. Only 1% of the people speak Romansh, in the southeastern part of Switzerland. Romansh is an old language that is similar to Latin.

    The people of Switzerland do not speak the same German as people in Germany. The German of Switzerland is difficult to understand for people from Germany. But the people of Switzerland write like the people from Germany.

    20% of the people in Switzerland do not have a passport of Switzerland. They come to work in Switzerland. It is not easy for them to have a passport of Switzerland.

    The religion of most people in Switzerland is Christianity. 43% of the population follow Catholicism. 35% of the population follow Protestantism. 2% follow Eastern Orthodoxy. The religion of 4% of the population is Islam. The rest follow a very small religion, or they have no religion.

    Switzerland is famous for its chocolate, cheese, banking system, watches and mountains.

    In 1291 people from Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden wanted to be free. They signed a contract to work together called the Eternal Alliance. Together the people could be free from the people of Habsburg, who were very strong. In 1315 the people from the Eternal Alliance fought the Habsburgs in battles at Morgarten, Sempach and Näfels. The people of the Eternal Alliance won all battles.

    People from other areas signed the contract. More and more people worked together to be free. In 1648, other countries from Europe made an agreement that Switzerland was free. The name of this agreement was the Treaty of Westphalia. More areas came to be part of Switzerland.

    In 1798, the military from France invaded Switzerland. The ruler of France was Napoleon. He changed many laws. In 1815 Switzerland again became free from France. Other countries made an agreement that Switzerland was free. The name of this agreement was the Congress of Vienna. It also said that Switzerland was neutral.

    The constitution of Switzerland was made in 1848. Switzerland did not fight in World War I or World War II. Since 2002, Switzerland is part of the United Nations. It did not join the United Nations for 57 years because of its neutrality.

    Switzerland is a republic. Switzerland does not have a normal president. Seven people (called ministers) do the job of president. They are called Bundesrat. Every year one of these people is made president. The president is not more important than the other six people.

    The seven people are:

        * Micheline Calmy-Rey (President in 2007)

        * Doris Leuthard

        * Christoph Blocher

        * Pascal Couchepin

        * Moritz Leuenberger (President in 2006)

        * Hans-Rudolf Merz

        * Samuel Schmid (President in 2005)

    There are two parts of parliament in Switzerland. The Council of States and the National Council. Both parts can make laws. There are 46 people in the Council of States. Every canton of Switzerland can send 2 people. Some cantons can only send 1 person. There are 200 people in the National Council. The biggest canton sends most people to the National Council. The smallest cantons only send one person to the National Council.

    The people of Switzerland can collect signatures if they want to change a law. This is called a referendum. If enough people sign a referendum, the people vote. The people can also collect signatures to change the constitution. This is called an iniative. The constitution is the basic law of a country.

    Switzerland is a rich country. Switzerland is not member of the European Union, but it is member of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA). The EFTA makes trade with other countries in Europe easier. In 1999 Switzerland and the European Union made a contract. This contract makes trade even easier.

    The banks of Switzerland are important. There are also insurance companies in Switzerland. Tourism is important in Switzerland. There are many places for tourists. Davos, St. Moritz, Pontresina and Laax are in Switzerland. These towns are important for skiing. Tourists also like Lucerne, Geneva, and Zürich.

  2. I'm sorry, but it's very hard to understand your question.  Still, I'll try to help.

    Switzerland is famous for being a totally neutral country, one reason why the United Nations has offices there.

    The "red cross" emblem of the famous relief organization is a reverse (in color) of the Swiss flag.  It was meant to show that the Red Cross is totally neutral, like Switzerland.  It is sad that some people now think it has to do with advocating Christianity.

    Switzerland is famous for banking secrecy.  Twenty years ago, the "Swiss Bank Account" was the proverbial secret account.

    Other thoughts:  Swiss cheese (called "Emmentaler" in Switzerland); the Swiss Franc (no Euros there); Switzerland has 4 official languages, maybe the most in the world.

    Hope that is helpful!

  3. VERY CLEAN people are nice, warm,speak,German English,Italian,Romansh nestle is made there good milk that's y they have good cheese and chocolate

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