
Details of ecstacy?

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what are the "positives"?

what are the "negatives"?

what is it like?




  1. positives- everything feels good. you are extremely happy and energetic. you LOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE.

    negatives-makes you sweat and get dehydrated. you can never know what is in the pill you take. the comedown SUCKS

    by the way....... jane doe  sounds like a dumbass. no one ive ever known has thrown up from it. she must have been on something else.... or drunk or mixed it with something

  2. it makes it feel really good when ppl touch u but it also makes u clench ur jaw and grind ur teeth really bad. its like bein on opiate painkillers w/a touch of lsd added in.

  3. Sorry about the other dumbass but Jane Doe is right.  I spent a hideous night in the ER with my friend who literally lost her mind and almost died after taking a pill one night at a club.  They had to induce a coma for two days until they had cleaned her out.  We had done it before many times but just this one pill...It was ecstasy before someone says it must have been something else.  But that is the thing with pills, you never know what you're going to get.  Save yourself the hassle hun and don't bother...

    Ps You don't love everything and everyone, that is c**p. Some things feel better than before but not 'EVERYTHING'...that is just something that amateurs say to make themselves seem knowledgeable!

  4. positives and what its like- feeling happier than you have ever felt before, loving everything and everyone, cool *** lights, things like pillows and soft **** feel amazing, memorable time, feeling amazingly smart, menthol cigarettes, deep conersations, ect.

    negatives- the come down can be little hard depending on what else was in it seeing as mdma needs other things to bind it togther, common things being speed and meth. sometimes you might be a little moody while your seratonin recovers.

    i will admit, my 3rd time i took it i took a double stack and threw up. but i really do like E a lot. i rarely take it anymore, but it makes for a great time with almost no repercusions.

    it is something very difficult to explain and you can never fully understand until you take it.

    also, there is a website that can tell you about almost any pill out there so you know what youre in for (what's in it, the come up, the come down) and its very helpful, or .org or . something.

  5. don't remember any positives

    i didn't know where i was and puked about 20 times, literally.

    it was like i died and came back to life a few hours later.

    for Miss Peacenig-Ecstacy is made from random c**p. How could that not cause you to throw up? I did X 3 different times and puked all 3 times, so don't call people names when you don't know me. Many people that do it throw up. Check you stats before you run your mouth. :)
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