
Details on how your cat was PTS-?

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I just had my 18 1/2 yr old cat PTS, he has been suffering for the last few years and finally went so far down hill that I had to make that hard decision. Well, I took him to my regular vets office and a vet that I have only seen a couple of times was the one that was taking care of this.

He insisted that he would have to give Casper an anesthetic first. Casper was so upset by being held down and given this shot that he bit me. The vet left for a minute saying he would be right back. As the anesthetic was beginning to work he started gagging and let out some gas. I though that he was dying right then. He calmed down and just laid there. The vet came back in shaved his arm and inserted the stuff that puts them to sleep. He was calm and left this world calm, but I felt that he had too much drama and pain right before he left me.

What do you think? What have you experienced?

I am really upset with this vet.




  1. Sorry about going through that....I on my hands have never been in that situation. But he probably knew what might happen.So sorry......he is in a better place though.

  2. Any shot would upset a cat, but if the cat was suffering, then it needed to be put to sleep.  The cat did not suffer, and the drama was how you are remembering the situation.  It is human nature to imagine that death hurts or isn't calm....the vet would not have put the cat to sleep if there was anything that could have been done.  Whether you had seen him once or a million times, vets have taken an oath to help all animals by giving them the proper medical care, or in your case, put an animal out of it's suffering.  Yes, the first shot may have been uncomfortable - but he was probably feeling worse, and he may have been anxious because you were upset too, and animals do sense that.  I'm so sorry for your loss, and I wish the pain of losing your pet wasn't so awful.

  3. I'm sorry for your loss ... I think you should find a new vet - my vet recommends that you have a friend take your animal and if you insist he lets you be in the room, but the nurse does all the hard parts --- I don't believe in watching it and I am sorry you had to.

    it's amazing that Casper lived that long, I hope my Pooky does

  4. It seems that giving your cat a shot first was the right thing to do.  To administer the euthanasia solution, a port into a vein is needed.  It is common to have an IV catheter put in but the animal needs to be pretty still for that and it takes longer than a shot so the amount of time your cat would need to be restrained would be longer if that was the case.  If no IV catheter is used a needle needs to be inserted directly into a vein which can be tricky with a moving animal.  If the solution is administered subcutaneously it can be quite painful so it is important it is accurate.  I'm sorry for your loss and it is such a hard thing to do but you made the right choice.  

  5. I am deeply sorry for you, i know how you feel, you are probably very sad and are focusing on being upset at the vet, so you don't think too much about your loss.  Your kitty is an angel now, he is no more pain,

    Good luck

  6. i am so sorry you poor thing i hope you are ok xoxxoxoxoxo :(

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