
Detectives and Special Agents?

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im going to a college but i did not know wicth one is the best for a career as a detective or special agent of some sort. so i need help.




  1. This is the special education section - dealing with overcoming learning disabilities and other cognitive and developmental problems.  Are you dealing with a learning disability?  I suggest you post this question on the higher education section of Y!A.

  2. I would think that a school like Georgetown would be best for this career path. The school is in Washington DC and has a lot of graduates that continue on to the FBI and CIA. Other schools like NYU and state schools probably do not have as close of a relationship to these federal programs as Georgetown University does.

  3. what does this have to do with Special Ed?

    please learn what special ed means, and how to use yahoo answers properly

    thank you

  4. let's get something straight.  you can not, can not, can not go to school to learn to be a detective or special agent.  you can go to school, study and earn, yes, i said EARN, a degree in criminal justice.  however, that is only the first step.  then, if you still desire to become a detective, you should obtain a position @ a jail or detention center.  keep that position for a few years, and then if still interested, you should apply to your local police force and, here's that word again, EARN your way into a detective's position.  

    normally, jobs are not given away, not even to college graduates.  most people who have been on the job for several years do not like smart *** kids coming in and trying to save everyone.  you should know that you will have many years of learning ahead of you.  as in all jobs, you will have to start @ the bottom, stay @ the bottom and WORK your way to the top.  bottom line here is that you must earn everything you receive.  no one can or will hand you anything.

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