
Detention at school and writing cramps?

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hey, well im still at school (yr 10) and last week i went to after school detention for 2 hours, because i didnt get my work experience sorted out.....

anyway detention is basically sitting at a desk in a classroom on my own for 2 hours writing out a massive essay, and copying from a textbook, nice hey.

my hand and fingers started aching after about an hour, so i stretched them out etc, but it didnt help that much and it got worse after about an hour, i was writing quiet fast because the teacher said i have to do at least 6 pages of written work in detention :(

at 5.30 the cleaner came in and took my pen to sign me out of detention, i asked if he knew how to stop cramps in my hand and how to stretch them out, but he said just shake them out for a while. i used a biro for the work which was a bit uncomfortable i guess?

any ideas on how to stop cramps or maybe suggest a nice pen to use when writing lots?

kayleigh xx




  1. Who has school in the middle of July?

  2. Dang, your detentions are mean. 2 hours of sitting by yourself writing an essay? Wow. I always had detention when I was in high school and it was nothing like that. It was like an hour or less of just sitting in a room with other kids, but I wasnt aloud to talk to them, we could either choose to just sit there, read a book, do homework, color, read a magazine, things like that. No cell phones though.

  3. massage your hand, take a warm bath and massage in bath and a nice girp on any pencil will help :)

  4. how do you have school in the middle of summer?!

  5. Just stop writing for awhile...they can't do much more to you than ISS for not completing a dumb D-hall assignment.

  6. ughh, detention and having to write.  i feel for you girl.  stretching will only do so much for your cramps.  After a long session of writing, you can use a trick that I used when i got stuck writing an essay on why i didn't get my essay done in the class i was supposed to have it done, i had grooves in my fingers from gripping my pen too hard, and the cramps to go with it   Dad had me put my hand in a bucket of ice water for about ten minutes, then bring the temp of the water ups slowly by filling it with water from the hot water tap.  After that, I got some gel pens with some soft rubber grips, and no more problem.  That, and staying out of detention.

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