
Detox Foot Pads?

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Has anyone tried the Takara Detox Foot Pads, or any variant of that kind? I'm wanting to know if they really work or not. I've got very prominent dark circles under my eyes (genetic misfortune) and the commercials said that these would help get rid of the darkness. I am skeptical though.




  1. It's snake oil  !!!!!  Don't fall for it.

  2. You SHOULD be skeptical.  They are a scam.  Save your money.  (don't listen to gatogirl, she obviously never passed a science class, much less graduate level physiology or organic chemistry)

  3. Interesting... I used one last night, actually. I got up wayyy earlier

    Than I usually do (5:30! WTF?!) the brand was Kinoki. When I got up I wasn't even drowsy same with my mom. I'm not sure about the eye thing, since I've only used them once now, but I'd say you could try it. I mean, its like, what? $10 or something? I say keep an open mind and see if it works, and if it doesn't, stop. Look online for testimonials, too. (don't listen to opus, check his page, he hasn't even checked them out! I'd say HE  is pretty biased.)

  4. i have tried them. I don't know about the dark circles under the eyes but i do know that if that is your problem  you may want to use cucumbers and good organic eye products like kiss my face to treat it.
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