What do you think of those Detox Foot Patches?
The idea is that you stick patches on your feet and wear them while you sleep, and that they draw out the toxins from your body, and when you wake up in the morning the patches are grey/brown/black from all the toxins that they've pulled from your body.
You continue to use them every night (of course, fresh ones every night) until they draw out less and less toxins.
My thoughts are that, okay they obviously contain natural substances in the patches which are supposed to draw the toxins out, but they also contain vinegar. How do you know that the colour isn't just from your sweaty feet turning the vinegar black? Okay so if they get cleaner every night then we need an explanation for why that is.
I've bought some detox patches and am going to try them out, but I want to know everyone's thoughts.
Apparently you can also use them on other parts of the body that need detoxing (back etc.)
Does that mean I can detox my face?