
Detroit Lions vs. BC Lions....who wins????

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Let's try something different: CFL vs. NFL. Here's the scenario: BC Place stadium, CFL size field, CFL rules, 11players for Detroit, 12 for BC. Who would win? Let's have some opinions.




  1. CFL! (TOUGH)

  2. 12 vs. 11, CFL rules and home field... ofcourse BC LIons!!! You gave them too much advantage, but it would be interesting to see games like that or similar.

  3. BC!

  4. With CFL rules BC has too much of an advantage, the player advantage does not really make a difference if Detroit had 12 players BC would still win. The fact is that the CFL is an very different style of play. A quarterback like Kitna would really struggle in the Canadian game. Ricky Williams was one of the best NFL running backs, but when he came to the CFL he struggled because of the rules and style of play.

  5. I am not sure that there are to many people that would really care!!!

  6. Balance it out.  All CFL rules in the first half and all NFL in the second and the BC squad can still beat an ugly team with a lousy defense.  And the Detlions have no running game either.

  7. Detroit if it's head to head, but within their leagues Detroit is a loser!  Go BC!!!

  8. the lions

  9. So, let's see. You want an NFL team to play a CFL team in the CFL team's stadium, with CFL field dimensions, CFL rules, and one player short? That sure seems fair! Obviously a team not used to those rules or dimensions would struggle at first, even if it is an NFL team playing a CFL team with inferior athletes. People forget the CFL is loaded with Americans who couldn't make the NFL, like Ricky Ray, who couldn't stick as a third-stringer for the NY Jets, but is the best QB in Canada, shouldn't that say something?

    I have to laugh at Canadians' obsession with comparing the CFL to the NFL. Why? I also laugh at people when they say the NFL is boring compared to the CFL. If it's so boring, then why is Toronto practically begging for an NFL team?  Canadians like to bang on the NFL for having four downs, but obviously, it's harder to move the ball in a smaller area, especially with bigger, faster athletes. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

    BTW, I was watching a CFL pregame show on CTV, it is a COMPLETE rip-off of NFL pregame shows here in the U.S.

  10. BC! Detroit will struggle in three down football!

  11. CFL

    favorite me please?

  12. Detroit is overrated.

  13. bc lions

    nfl is boring

  14. it depends on where they play the game, if it's in detroit, they'll use nfl rules, if it's in vancouver they'll use cfl rules, i for one would like to see a 12 man four down cfl regulation field, as it is wider, & longer, also we all should be asking quesitons to the players who've played in both leagues, who made a difference in both leagues, such as warren moon, who won in canda, but came close in the us, as well as doug flutie, who along with his brother darren won the cfl grey cup in canada, but doug was a little closer to winning in the nfl with chicago & new england!

  15. Detroit Lions!

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