
Detroit Mayor goes to jail

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick being sent to jail today? Do you think his other charges will hold up? Think Granholm may finally step in and remove him?

He was placed in custody for violation of his bond. He went to Canada with out the courts permission. A direct violation.

I think it's about time the corrupt Mayor pays for his crimes. Nice to see that even with his 'above the law' way of life that in the end even he has to pay. I also hope this is just the 1st step of many to come for the gangster Mayor of Detroit. I would love to see him go down for all the crimes against him. Rot in jail Kilpatrick. That is my hope for his future anyway.




  1. lol...omg are you serious ???

    he's like the most dumb guy alive

    he deserves it!

  2. God for bid this should happen to a white elected Republican official.

  3. didn't his mama just get elected to the house of reps?  and i understand she's under some kind of cloud too

  4. Funny!  Why should he be impeached for having an affair? Isn't that his personal business and life??

    Now, if the reason he should be removed is because he is costing the taxpayers money - then BUSH should of been the very first removed $hit muthaphuckers left and right are losing their jobs/homes/families etc with Bush still in the white house....I feel that if the american people could re-vote a cheater & a complete idoit back into the white house for a second term....then Kwane should be able to serve out his term and allow the citizens of Detroit a chance to vote on his fate.  And if they decide they want Kwane back in office then so be it......

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