
Detroit/Rochester Horse max $2,000 schoolhorse prospect?

by Guest34172  |  earlier

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i was wondering if anyone knew of a school horse prospect around $2,000 in the Detroit/Rochester area.




  1. I'm selling an 11 year old thoroughbred gelding that would make a great schoolhorse as long as he is lunged before being ridden every time. Ann Arbor area, $1,700.

    Might not be what you're looking for though, so have you tried looking at horsetopia? You can search by area as well as price, and it's always my first stop when looking at horses.

    If you are interested in the gelding, email me.  

  2. haha i live near there! i live in mankato.

    I Really do not know of any horses around there though. But you can post what you want at the feed store.

    That way if people have that they can contact you.

    Or look on

  3. I can help you, what kind of discipline are you doing?


    Those are some of the lesson horses for sale in the Great Lakes area under $2000. That was only a search on  You're bound to be able to find more on different sites.

  5. I work at a local tack store northwest of you.  I had a gal come in from our local area last month.

    He has bred and raised a TB, Appaloosa cross.  The horse looks like a heavy TB - he's got no blanket or anything.

    He was bred to be her next dressage prospect and he's done well from what I understand in dressage, but she now is really just more wanting to be into relaxed trail type riding.  This horse is not a horse one can simply throw a saddle on an sit on while he walks leisurely down the trail with other horses - therefore she's not getting much use of him and would like to find him a good home.

    From talking to her, I believe he's a dominant horse (and a gelding) as he maybe tends to push her around a bit and pushes other horses around which she doesn't like.

    He can be found on, but the picture really isn't a very good one.  Look in the Durand Michigan location for a horse named "PryceLS".  They are asking $1200 for him, but if someone would take him, work with him to make a good dressage or other discipline horse and give him a job with a purpose to do, I know she'd be willing to barter.

    I'm unsure what you mean by 'schoolhorse' - do you mean a horse in need to further education to school and get your practice on training him?  If so, I would suggest looking into this guy.  His Appaloosa lines would probably make him more intelligent than the average horse which is likely why his dominance factor and intelligence are probably a little more than she wishes to deal with - she's got a daughter with special needs and rides with her mother.  I know their place and I know them - they are good people and their place is nice, safe and the horses are well cared for.

    If you are looking for a very stable horse upon which to school children to learn to ride, maybe this wouldn't be the thing.

    if you are looking for a horse to take to school with you - might be a good thing.

    I you are looking for young horses with some athleticism and perhaps some color to raise and train to a certain discipline, my mother has a yearling colt (gelding), a few weanling fillies - solid and paints and one or two weanling colts (I don't remember what's in her herd) - she also has stock-type performance horses - a couple in the 3 year old range that would be good performance prospects and there might be another older one or two she's willing to part with to a good home.  All these would be withing your price range.  Mom is going through divorce - she stands her own stallion and runs about 20 head.  She needs to pare down the herd to move out on her own.  He first priority will be the best home for her "kids" and she's located about an hour and a half north of Grand Rapids.  contact me via email from here if you are interested in those horses.

    Otherwise, if none of these interest you, I KNOW there's a bunch of them on the bulletin board at the Wire Horse in Lennon where I work for fun.  I work tomorrow if you wish to visit the store, put up a wanted:horse notice and look at what's up on that board.  I know of a number of people with good horses here and there having to get rid of them due to loss of jobs and such.  Additionally, the trainer whom I think the world of who's worked with my horses in Big Rapids has some to sell that would be well started and he's had people calling him to take on for purchase or for free horses they cannot afford to keep anymore but wish to find them a good home.

    If you'll email me the exact type of horse you want, what you want it for, breed, price range, etc - I'll be happy to forward that on to all my horsey friends in the middle of the state.

    good luck!

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