
Detroit Tigers’ Al Alburquerque undergoes operation – MLB News

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Detroit Tigers’ Al Alburquerque undergoes operation – MLB News
The Detroit Tigers on Friday, December 16, stated that their rookie Al Alburquerque has undergone a surgery to repair a stress fracture in the right arm. Having proved to be a precocious talent, the pitcher had started a promising start but ended up having
issues in his right elbow.
Important to recall is that he got consigned to the disabled list due to the elbow inflammation this past season. With the operation was performed on the right hand, the pitcher is said to be out at least in the first part of the season, potentially appearing
after the All-Star break in 2012.
Reports trickling in suggest the operation involved inserting a s***w into olecranon. This, the doctor James Andrews, says will stabilise the non-displaced stress fracture. The nature of the operation, no doubt, involved complexities. However, it had become
The Detroit Tigers’ general manager Dave Dombrowski referred to the fact as to how the pitcher had been instrumental last season.
"There is no question he pitched well for us last season," Tigers’ general manager Dave Dombrowski said. "But he also missed quite a bit of time due soreness in his elbow. So we are happy that they found the problem and that it will be fixed, and it is anticipated
he will return to 100 percent."
Although the pitcher might have gone now with this operation and for a seemingly long time, Dombrowski still believes the team is strong enough after the induction of Octavio Dotel with large amount of depth in the bullpen and Alburquerque’s return will
further embolden it.
"With the recent addition of Octavio Dotel," Dombrowski said. "Our bullpen has quite a bit of depth. So we anticipate our 'pen pitching well and then it being bolstered with [Alburquerque's] return."
When Alburquerque appeared this past season, he had an impressive ERA of 1.87 with a wonderful record of 6-1 win in the 41 games that he played on behalf of the Detroit Tigers. His absence will now be for 12 weeks of the active season, it is to be seen how
he repeats the same performance after the operation.



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