
Deuce Ex Macina????????

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This is going to sound really strange, but I woke up in the middle of the night repeating 'deuce ex macina' over and over. I have no idea what it means or if it means anything at all. Does anyone know if this is said in any movie or something I might have heard it. I think it might be a spell fromm harry potter but I really have no idea.




  1. If you've ever read the Lemony Snicket series, it's written on the inside cover of all the books.

    The other answerers are right about the definition. A deux ex machina is generally a sign of not so good writing ;)

  2. "Deus ex machina" means "God from the machine." It refers to  a contrived occurrence in a story that is completely removed from the rest of the plot and solves an unsolvable problem. E.g. The "hand of God" at the end of Stephen King's The Stand.

  3. Deus ex machina literally means "god from a machine." It's a Greek term that referred to the appearance of a god to solve an unsolvable problem. It is also a plot device in literature where something unexpected saves the character from the main conflict. Often it is undesirable as a literary device because it seems like cheating.

    As for why you woke up saying it... The nineteenth episode of Lost season 1 was titled "Deus Ex Machina" but they never said that phrase in the episode. it's the one where Lock sees the light coming from the hatch.

    The 1st, 2nd, & 4th Harry Potter books do end with this literary device. But it's not a spell...

    As for other pop culture references, check out this website.

    It could have been the Simpsons??

    Hope this helps!

  4. I think that your spelling is a bit off; I believe it is "deux ex machina".  It was a literary device used in a lot of old stories, plays (Shakespeare liked it) where a god-like figure appears out of nowhere to solve the problem of the story.

    Its weird how strange phrases like this just pop into your head, isn't it??

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