
Deutschlanders who speak perfect English and can help translate a family recipe - HELP!?

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Hallo My friends. Recently went to Germany and brought with me a secret family sauce that I made at home before leaving the USA for Germany (illegal - I know! I Know) but I needed it for a lasagne recipe I was going to be making.

Wouldn't you know EVERYONE WENT CRAZY for the Lasagne and the SAUCE - NOW I NEED HELP to translate the recipe. I made ONE NON-VEGETARIAN and ONE VEGETARIAN. (Let's worry about the NON-VEGETARIAN first).What I need from you is:

1. Metric Translation

2. German translation (and please feel free to make this on your own) it's called "Zaremba Family's Garden Sauce" (it's Polish)

Here is the recipe:

-1/2 cup of VIRGIN olive oil

- 5 fresh cloves of garlic

- 1 pound of beef neck bones *OR* beef ribs (doesn't matter) as long as it's cut into pieces

-1 pound of SWEET Italian Sausage

-1 pound of pork - uncut

-4 (28 ounce cans) of CRUSHED tomatos (I know I've seen these in Germany - maybe not 28 ounce cans - but close enough. I need 112 ounces TOTAL- HELP!!




  1. Go with Alwin!  I am fluent in German and English, and also a good cook.  He is giving you the real goods.  His answer is so good you might get no others, so I thought you might like a confirmation vote.  (I might steal that recipe -- sounds good.)

  2. 1/2 Tasse kalt gepresstes Olivenöl

    5 frische Knoblauchzehen

    1 Pfund Rindernackenknochen oder Rippen, in kleine Stücke geschnitten

    1 Pfund mild gewürzte italienische Salami

    1 Pfund Schweinefleisch, am Stück (ungeschnitten)

    4 kleine Dosen enthäutete Tomaten

    So much to the translation. The recipe sounds pretty good to me. You can take the German pound (which is 500 grams, or half a kilo) for a U.S. pound, although there's a slight difference. But as with all recipes, better take a little more than less.

    As to the tomatoes, well, there are "skinned" or "crushed" ones available in cans in German supermarkets (they're from Italy usually), but the amount you tell would be seven pounds of tomatoes, so are you sure about that? I'd rather use fresh tomatoes, and some tomato puree ("Tomatenmark" in German). If you don't know how to peel and crush them: Take a real sharp knife and cut through their skin once around the tomato, and then once more at a 90 degree angle. Then put them into boiling water for a minute or two, and immediataly afterwards, put them into icecold water. Wait another three or four minutes; the skin will peel off almost automatically, and you can crush them with your kitchen machine, puree stick, or whatever you have. That'll be more tasty and juicy than the stuff available in cans.

    For metric conversions, Google has become really helpful. Just enter into the searchline what you need to convert, followed by the keyword "in", and then the unit into which you want to have it converted, like "70 miles in kilometers" or "70 mph in km/h", and it turns out to be around 112, which is pretty fast.



    2 tablespoons of TOMATO PASTE

    That's the puree I was writing about. It's used to intensify the tomato taste, and in Germany usually is available in tubes like toothpaste tubes.

    1 Chicken Bouillon cube

    1 Beef Bouillon cube

    Ein Würfel Hühner- und Rinderbrühe.

    (Are you sure? Usually, only one sort is used; I mean it should be "or", not "and".)

    1/4 cup of wasser

    Eine viertel Tasse Wasser. (What's that for?)

    salt and pepper - as desired - to you own taste.

    Salz und Pfeffer nach Geschmack.

    4 sprigs of fresh basil (basilikum?)

    Right. "Vier große Basilikum-Blätter"

    1/2 a tablespoon of dried oregano

    1/2 Esslöffel Oregano. (Don't worry about the "dried", it would be "getrockneter Oregano" literally, but all you can buy in winter is the dried version, except you have a greenhouse and access to fresh plants.)

    1/2 a teaspoon of dried parsley.

    1/2 Teelöffel getrocknete Petersilie. (A tablespoon and a teaspoon are exactly the size you would expect them to be, so don't worry.)


    2nd edit:

    > although FRESH herbs are always welcome in ADDTITION to the recipe as is and only make the recipe BETTER. The recipe is fantastic without the fresh herbs, but if you are lucky enough to have fresh - please use both fresh and dried.

    You say it.

    To cut it short, in German that would be:

    "Wenn frische Kräuter verfügbar sind, sollte man diese bevorzugen, aber sie mit getrockneten Kräutern mischen."

  3. f w ---I'll teach you a little trick metric conversion is built into the Google system...just type in the thing you want converted and press enter...Play with it you will see what I mean...As a test type in the Goggle search box "2 +2 =" then hit enter..answer comes up in the search do conversions...

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