
Develop a HYPOTHETICAL marriage contract. What requirements should be met b4 two people get married? ?

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Please be realistic with your answers. I am just curious of what others think. Thanks for all your input. Have a great day!




  1. it depends on what both parties are expecting from the marriage

  2. My contract would include devotion and loyalty, no hitting the clubs with the boys, no strip clubs, no getting smashed if im not around, no flirting with girls, do not even think of looking at another girl if im within a 10 mile radius. Tell me how great I look atleast once a week, The word love should be spoken often. He can only have s*x with me, If he touches another woman he forfits the rights to his happiness and life.    sounds good to me.

  3. Lets be realistic here, and I have thought about this alot.  I tell everyone I know who is having marriage problems one simple thing, and I bellieve it with all my heart.

    Any behavior allowed to exist prior to marriage is not one that can be judged after marriage.  If your fiance goes out to the clubs, your husband will.  If your fiance cheats, your wife will and so one, see what I mean?  I can sum it up, don't try to change the one you sign a contract with, you signed the contract and you got what you wanted.

    On the other hand, if you get married to a man who doesn't drink, he is doing something wrong by drinking after marriage and you can ask him to stop on that basis.  If you marry a woman who doesn't gamble prior to marriage, but later after marriage goes to bingo every wednesday and spends 75 dollars, she is wrong and he can ask her to stop.

    pretty much, you cannot ask someone to change who they were to begin with, but you also should not accept negative changes, either.

    good luck, most marriages suck.  

  4. Marriage is more of a covenant than a contract.  It requires commitment from both sides for it to work.

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