
Developing stamina?

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I play lacrosse on my high school varsity team. The problem is that I get tired so easily, that I usually only stay out there 3-4 minutes. My abs and chest start tightening up even after one sprint. How can I develop my stamina? I know I could be good only if I had the stamina.

Also, for the people who never seem to run out of stamina, when you are doing vigorous running, does it feel easy? I want to get to the point where I can stay out on the field without having to worry about fatigue.




  1. Go out for Cross-Country in the fall. That type of training is specifically for stamina.

  2. start practicing just running the track, slow, maybe start with one lap one day, and go up a lap every day until you reach a mile or two. long distance is great for stamina. best of luck


  3. Yes, Cross Country, is a great idea, but it might not always be possible for every one. Some places it is a spring sport, and I have no idea when you play lacrosse.

    There are two kinds of stamina — physical and mental. Good cross country runners score high on both. They have an "I won't quit" mindset. These guys are stubborn (ask my folks).

    But long runs will definitely help. It's called continuous aerobic running (CAR). Bill Bowerman, the great Oregon coach who practically invented the long distance sport we know in the U.S. today, said runners aren't ready to begin serious training until they can run for 45 minutes straight (that's for slightly older athletes — 18-19).

    When I started junior high girls running, my first goal was to make them able to run 20 minutes straight, but we started by playing five minutes of follow-the-leader. My favorite stamina builder for them was called 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-1-1-1. On the baseball field I'd time them for 10 minutes running, then rest them for five minutes. Next, run 8 minutes and rest for four, and so on. By the time we got down to the ones and 30 second rests, they were usually pretty made at me. But it worked!

    CAR will help. No question about it. But run everywhere. Run when you're doing chores; run at school (until the hall monitor tells you to stop it!); run from the parking lot to the mall. You're just not moving if you're not running! You're going to be a hellofa lacrosse player if you keep it up!

  4. run longer

  5. 1. Don't drink soda!!!

    2. eat healthy

    3. do abs workout everyday [put your legs up in the air and your hand on sides, make sure your back and butt are on ground and wait 15 seconds, than put your legs little lower and lower]

    4. Try running before school

    5. Run more and more everyday

    6. Try warming up a little more.

    Hope that helps
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