
Development & changes in indian agriculture?

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Development & changes in indian agriculture?




  1. Hey Michael! India may seem like a poor country but it is uprising and soon it will be up there with America. So :P. Don't call a country poor from facts of other people. Why don't you go there first. India is rich in culture religion and festivities.

  2. I assume you are talking India the country.  From my perspective, agriculture is not mechanized, production methods are outdated, and wide crop failures may be attributed to insect, fungal and weather damage.

    As a poor country, I do not see revolutionary change coming like I see in other countries like China or the old USSR block, which are experiencing economic booms.

  3. i agree to dazzelsan.India is developing and the day is not too long where it will be one of the major exports of allcashcrops.There will be no import from other countries for grains. importing wheat where it turned drastic disaster.soon it will change.

  4. definitely.we now do not get the natural fruits and vegetables.we get only pesticide-laden is a drastic change

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