
Developmentally delayed 9 month old?

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My son had his well baby check up/shot and the dr said he is delayed by 3 months Ie he is 9 months old but acts like a 6 month old but he was born 5 weeks early via c-section. I personaly have dislexia and wasnt told till i was in college. I had alot of problems in school and I dont know what to do. The DR wants him to go in to early intervention, but im not sure if i want stangers in my home all the time putting stress on him to learn at only 9 months old I just want him to enjoy his childhood. Has any one had this happen?




  1. Get the early intervention now!!  Otherwise you are risking his ability to do well in school. ****As an infant, they will focus on him playing and interacting in a way that a 9month old should.  It's not stressful and, more than likely, you won't be more than a foot or two from him most of the time.  ***** They will want to teach you how to play with him to encourage his development.  It'll be fun for the both of you.

  2. Intervention won't ruin his childhood. If anything it will make it better. Developmental delays get worse at the child gets older. If you care about your son you'll follow the doctor's advice and get your son treatment so that he can lead a normal productive life.

  3. Being born early means he is technically only 2 months delayed as when you measure the development of a premmie you use the "corrected age" meaning you measure their age from the date they should have been born.

    The other posters are right developmental delay's can get worse as a child gets older.

    They probably won't push him further than he can manage and they will be able to help him. It will actually help him enjoy his childhood as it will help him with stuff which is normal for his age.

  4. If he was 5 weeks early - he should be at a 7-8 month old. I know that because he is a baby you worry about EVERYTHING.  I was 6 weeks early and was very delayed but babies were not thrown into therapies that young.

    My best advise is if you are questioning putting stress on your baby then get a second opinion.

  5. If u care your Son than take consultation bydoctor and if you not want to consider doctr;s advise,then go to Baba ramdev.

  6. First, since your son was born early he may just need more time to catch up. However, since your doctor is recommending early intervention I would think that is probably not the case. Depending on the intervention, it may or may not be in your house. It may be a play group, or a therapy appointment. It will certainly be support for you.

    Thirty years ago I would have given anything for any kind of help with my daughter. In those days these services didn't exist.  I fumbled my way through many years with help from my husband, but nothing more. Perhaps with professional help my daughter wouldn't be so delayed today, but I will never know that because I didn't have any help. Today she has lots of services, and everyone of them is excellent. Her life is as normal as it can be. She is even planning her wedding ceremony. Yes, I have people in my house, but that's okay. These are people that are helping my daughter.

    For your child's sake you need to accept the help that is being offered. You want your child to have the best life he can and the services being offered will help your child and you.

  7. Broadly speaking, early intervention services are special services for eligible infants and toddlers and their families. These services are designed to identify and meet children’s needs in five developmental areas. These areas are:

    physical development;

    cognitive development;

    communication social or emotional development; and

    adaptive development.

    With the assistance of a occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy etc to help the child to develop important skills, such communication skills, both gross and fine motor skills, social skills etc all of which are vital to a child's development, and the earlier these are implemented the better the outcome for the child.

    While 3 months does not sound a lot, the gap can become wider if early intervention programs are not put in place, a large number of children I have worked with have all had early intervention, which helped them to walk, communication, social skills etc. Those who did not have it really struggled, and their social skills etc were very poor.

    l have included a few links which explain what they do.

    I wish you and your little man good luck

  8. stick with your gut feeling girl you know best when it comes to your child,

  9. I am a special education teacher and from my point of view early intervention is the best intervention. Your son will get one on one instruction. At his early age it will be done mainly through playtime. Not a whole lot of pressure. The only pressure may be on you to follow through with the program when the teacher/therapist is not there.

    Early intervention is a really great thing.

  10. Early intervention sounds exactly what your son needs. It will likely keep him out of special education and give him his best chance at a normal life.

    You need to do your research and find out about the early intervention services and get your son assessed. It is not like they are going to be coming into your home for hours everyday and drill your son. Typically services involve at this age maybe 1 person coming to your house once a week for an hour or two to you show you how to do exercises and activities to stimulate your child's growth and development. They are typically fun activities that your son will find entertaining and engaging and will help him get over these minor developmental hurdles (that if not addressed may become large life long issues). Also programs sometimes have clinic options also where you can take your child to a class or meet with a professional who can give you similar information if you are uncomfortable with people coming to your home.

    It is easy to be afraid of something you don't know about, but your best bet is to sign him up for an intake and gather information and then make an informed decision based on the facts and plan they are offering you.

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