Question: ... im confused help?

by  |  earlier

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i have noticed that when you click 'veiw gallery' on some people, they have iffeent albums down the side... how do i get that? or is it just for people with the accounts that you pay for?

thanks! x*x




  1. No, it isn't a subscriber only feature. Anyone can have folders in their gallery.

    Go to your gallery. Along the top, there'll be links that say 'Featured', 'Browse', and 'Scrapbook', and a blue button that says 'Edit'. Click on 'Edit'. A little blue arrow should appear underneath each of your photos. On the left side of the page, there should be another blue button, with a white '+' on it, and under it it should 'New Folder'. Click on this, and you'll be able to fill in the name of the folder. You can make as many folders as you want. When you've got your folders ready, you can add pictures to them. To add a picture, click on the blue arrow underneath it, and click on "Add to (foldername)", and it'll be added. When you're finished, go back to the top bar of the gallery, and click on the 'Done' button. Try clicking the 'Hints' button for more tips.

    I hope this helps! :)

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