
Deviantart journal, and devious information question.

by  |  earlier

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How is it that people put up jpeg graphix in there journal and devious information?


I'm new to DA, and i've tried using the usual image presenting code. (aka IMG SRC etc.)

It would help a bunch if someone told me how. Please and thank chuu.





  1. For your journal, you can't put pictures in it unless you're subscribed.

    For in your devious information, upload that picture in deviantART related > deviantID  and then go to your profile settings (hit the arrow by your name and click "edit settings and profile" or go to your page and hover over the menu on the side and click on "edit settings and profile") and click on "Userpage display" on the left side. Now scroll down to deviantID and select the image you just uploaded.

    If you need additional help, just note me on deviantart, my username is sukaiburu-chan.

  2. That's a suscriber-only feature (as in, you have to pay in order to get certain features.) However I wouldn't consider buying it, since the latest upgrade bumped up the free member's features so it's not really necessary for one. You can still put up a informational picture if you'd like at your dev ID, which you can upload through the upload system, set the category to dev ID, and then go to your edit profile page and under ID, select the image you want on the drop down list.

    Hope that wasn't confusing- if you need any more help, you should check deviantart's faq.

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