
Device to turn off my car if i get car-assaulted?

by  |  earlier

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is there any device on sale that works like this: you are driving, and thieves come with guns and they take your car and they let you go. however you had in your pocket a little device with a button, that you press and it turns off your car engine so that thieves can not take it anymore...

does somethhing like that exist?????




  1. ya its called a .357 magnum on your belt that you shoot the tires out with the shoot them when they get out and are like "wtf"

  2. The trouble is that killing an engine with the vehicle in motion is highly dangerous.  You wouldn't want the thief to wreck your car, or injure/kill innocent bystanders, just to prevent him from stealing your car.  (Police agencies that use "bait cars" have devices that can do this, but they always have the car in view when they use it).

    Some after-market alarm systems, like the "Viper" series, have an anti-carjacking feature included.   In the Viper, it works by monitoring your doors.  If a door opens and closes while the engine is running, the system will trigger.   It doesn't shut off the engine, but after one minute (to give you time to hide from the guy with the gun) it will start flashing the lights and the alarm siren will sound.  It will also activate the starter kill, so that after the ignition is turned off the car can't be started again.  It's disarmed with a hidden switch inside the vehicle.

    If you use this feature, you'll need to know how to disarm it, because it will also trigger if you just get out to put a letter in the mailbox, for example.

  3. Yes they do make them, try this site.

  4. It wouldn't be difficult to custom make a device like that.  Any car audio place will probably know enough about wiring to install a remote breaker that could simply cut off the spark to the engine.  I'd simply call around and see what people could come up with.  You might have to have a car alarm company and a mechanic work together on the project, but it is more than possible.  Also, there are several companies currently that offer tracking devices for vehicles.  Good luck!

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