
Devil's advocate question regarding the New World Order?

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Most people would fear a NWO simply because of the corruption we already have in the EU and the USA with corporations pulling the strings; and the previous disastrous attempts at centralised government in n**i Europe and the USSR

But what if there was an alterior motive?

We are all aware (or should be) of film of spacecraft orbiting the planet, the structures found on the moon, and the numerous tales of visitation by ETs and stories of collusion between our governments and said beings

Well what if the whole point of one world government and the eradication of all these religions is that it is a pre-requisite for this planet to take it's place in a larger galactic Union, in much the same way a new country joining the EU must reach certain standards of entry.

Just a thought

What do you think?




  1. same old world of dissorder and bad organization for years to come im affraid m8!!! if ET asks, take me too your leader would you introduce him to Bush, Brown or Ras-Putins weazle faced offspring? go ahead pick a leader try the muppet from north korea or that veneswailan fella or that Georgian nutter. how about the mayor of london or the blind leader of new york. maybe we could use Hillary Clingon as our entertaining hostess. they probably already met the french bloke he could offer them a snail cocktail with frogs legs then thay'll feel at home! sory did i miss any one important like the latest anti-christ wannabe of Iran or osama bin loozer?

  2. like the man said its a good idea but UN workable as to many corrupt governments  and  its Communism and that don't work>>>>>>>>>>>

  3. you have a point..

    i think that before  the NWO, we need to mature.. so we dont have people abusing their powers.

    it could work if we evolve as a species being respectful of others.

    problem is right now, we all know  that someday ,given the fact that we are all findable and everyhting we do can be traced, some people can use that for their own profit and there would be no scape.

  4. Interesting question, but highly unlikely as it presumes advanced civilizations would want this ugly cousin to be a member.  Sometimes it is easier to escape by thinking the leaders are taken over by mind-control from aliens, instead of just admitting we voted wrong.

  5. One should  stick to what's provable - There's a plan for a global dictatorship led by the Rothschild banking dynasty - a world democracy might work but only when all power is transparent and accountable. Until then the nation state is the only true line of defence.

  6. OMG , Beam me up , Scottie !!!

  7. I very much doubt that, but if it were true, then why would our governments keep it from us? we would I'm sure co-operate more if we were told, and why all the ware, cruelty and starvation in the world?.  No the Elite have started and funded both sides of every war from way back for money and power, they took all our gold and give us paper, now they are only after power, they have grown bored having us run around killing each other, now they want to be Gods.

  8. Its all good with me, as long as I can have a purple light sabre...

  9. Maybe and maybe not.  What if the 'aliens' are like the creatures in the movie 'Alien' - what then for the human race?

    Maybe we should do whatever is necessary . . . .

    Alien - Larry King Live

    . . .they're out there. . . keep watching the skies. . . .

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