Please Read> I just had my dream last night Around 9pm or whatever it was. I thought i was awake but when i went to get outta bed i was pinned couldnt move couldnt scream for help, weight and pressure was over my entire body. I had enough strengh to hit my head against the wall but didnt wake up, tried pinching myself and still nothing. tried yelling, nothing would come out. i was struggling for about 30 minutes it seemed, i kept fighting, then i heard a voice say that the only way you can kill a demon is by stabbing them with a crusafix, then i heard the voice say this is how that feels. then sharp pain in my back, like i was stabbed. unthen i woke from the dream. I was in total shock when i awoke dripping with sweat and out of breath. I went to work the same night. so i told my customers about my dream, & 10 people i asked said they had the same dream. The only thing that was different when they kicked or did something they woke up. I couldnt until whatever was there was done