
Devlopes and weights- get your leg higher??

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while searching for tips I came across a few people who use weights in developes.

does it actually help your leg get higher??

what weight is best??

and anyone who has used this method- did it make your thighs a lot bigger.




  1. i put 1lb ankle weights on and then stretched and danced as normal and yes the extra pressure works out your legs so when you take off the weights your leg will go higher :) and no they didn't make my legs huge lol but i wouldn't use weights more than 1lb gd luck x

  2. I use ankle weights some. Keep it light. I use no more than a kilogram. I'm from Italy, so I use the metric system. I think a kilogram is 2.2 pounds in the USA.

  3. i don't think using weights would be used to help you in your quest to get your leg higher. i think it would be used more to strengthen your leg muscles. besides from that i really don't like that idea. i think it could be rather dangerous unless you are under professional supervision from perhaps a gym trainer.

    i think you need to focus on your turn out and flexibility more than applying weights to you legs. the more flexible you are and more turned out you are, the higher you will be able to push your leg. but you will need the strength to be able to hold your leg at that height. i would suggest you continue to practice your developes, fondues, grande battements, remembering to lift from underneath the thigh (leg) and not the top. hopefully this will help. happy dancing =)

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