
Dexamphetamines for ADD, but it is not prescribed? Pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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So last night I took Dexamphetamines, with a couple of my friends to study. It realy helps me concentrate when doing homework. Is this harmful when you only take half a D5 pill?

What happens if you're pregnant and take it?

Just wondering..




  1. Yes they are pure dexamphetamines in a pill, which is speed based. They are fine alsong as you take only a couple a day.

    It's great for studying.


  2. I don't know if they still have "speed" in them. In Australia anyway i am sure they changed it. But NEVER take any prescription medication without having it prescribed directly to you from your doctor. Any medication taken without your doctors knowledge can be harmful to a unborn baby.

    Please try and find another way to study, talk to a counselor or a  careers counselor etc. Don't put your health at risk to study. Taking un prescribed drugs to help you concentrate is not good. and a drug is a drug if you do not need it, its not medication.

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