
Dhoni's strokes are not that powerful as it used to be???

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i think we played fair game ..dhoni played like one courageous captain never giving up the end we jst had no good batsmen to carry us through...however i have observed tat dhoni does seem little weak ..maybe hes bcome slim or wat i dunno but his strokes are not tat powerful tat it used to be...wat do u think ..

should he include 4 liters of milk in his diet yet again !!!




  1. It is not that his strokes are not powerful, but his strokes are not clear of the fielders.  He has also become more cautious in his stroke play after becoming captain.

  2. He's getting very old and concentrating on other things...

    Please pick me as your best answer...


  3. This happens to every good cricket player because of the pressure due to captancy. Dravid used to be good, well atlease his avg was in 40s but since he became a captain, his batting went downwards.

       Take IPL for example, Yuvraj didn't make a fifty in any of the games.

    it's the pressure!

  4. no.not at all.its 1ly due to his captaincy pressure

  5. He is not weak but a little tired playing too much cricket. He needs some rest.

  6. His stokes are 'weaker' because of this role as captain now. he can't just go out onto the field and throw the bat at everything. He has to build an innings and support the team. If he just goes out hits one or two sixes and then slogs out, as a captain this is sending the wrong message to the young guys. Dhoni has responsibility now and with this comes a change in this style

  7. i dont think so hes just adapting to his more pressurized role

    which is to stay in as long as he can ,unlike Affridi who smashes

    the ball and gets out ,he has to bide his time and then unleash when the time is right ,hes got a more responsible role now


  8. dhoni has become more conservative since he became the captain, which has ruined his killer instincts.

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