
Di you think the world would be diffrent if se x was not pleasurable?

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Di you think the world would be diffrent if se x was not pleasurable?




  1. Yes very different. s*x is only one method of reproduction in the animal kingdom. all life that use it would not exist. It would be quite possible that some other type of animal than man would have evolved intelligence and become dominant.

  2. Quite!

  3. It would definately be different, because my life would then be completely empty and suddenly superfluous. Therefore, such a seemingly, minor effect, can kill.!!!

  4. there wouldn't be so much people in the world i guess lol

  5. for most living organisms, sexual reproduction has nothing to do with pleasure. it is found even in the plant kingdom, but i'm sure we wouldn't exactly think of flowers as deriving "pleasure" from their plant sexuality.

    in animals, also, it isn't really about pleasure -- and it doesn't necessarily "feel good" because it doesn't have to -- it's an instinct, and it's hard-wired into their genetic make-up. it can hurt or it can even kill them, but they have to do it, because they don't have a choice.

    the human female is unique among all other mammals because she doesn't go into "heat": she chooses to have s*x when and with whom she wants. the reason why sexual reproduction should be this way way among humans is disputed. but the effects are all around us -- it's a large part of the drama in the history of humanity, directly and indirectly.

    if sexual reproduction in humans were simply an instinct that gave no real pleasure, it would still be a biological imperative that would function to reproduce the human race. humanity would not disappear.

    but there would probably be no mystery about s*x, and no shame associated with it. and human history would be a lot different -- a lot less tumultuous and violent, but also much more boring. if art and poetry and music and dancing and theater still existed, they would certainly be very different. would "love," as we think of it, even exist?.... fashions in clothes? wars?

    seen in this way, s*x (+ sexual love and the pleasure it brings) -- is really the great engine of history.

    ...interesting question, when you think about it....

  6. Yes, no more p**n pop up or stupid emails selling viagra.  No rape, no child molestation.  It would be great.

  7. Every woman in the world would have constant headaches=]


  8. I feel sorry for that guy that thinks that humans don't go into heat.  Some people do.  What about all those people who ruin their lives for just a few minutes.  Like that governor recently, only heat explains that. If it wasn't pleasurable, I think we would be like Mr. Spock from Star Trek.

  9. The human race would pretty quickly become extinct.....pretty obvious really!!!

  10. It's unlikely anyone would want to procreate. What would be the point?

  11. There would be a lot less people, that's for sure.

    Crime would be less, especially domestic violence.

    Rape would be nonexistent. There wouldn't be p**n.

    Greater degree of modesty in dress.

    More focus in the other important matters of life.

    Teenagers would do great in school. LOL.

  12. yeah, we'd all have never been born, man wouldnt have made it out of the ocean.

  13. Different, but not as different as if s*x was painful, and giving Birth were pleasurable!

  14. who said it was .!!

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