
Diabetes is it possible for it to go away?

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Just curious also my grand father has a pressure of 300+ please help how can we lower it down.




  1. pressure? huh? you mean sugar? blood sugar? blood sugar changes from time to time. exercising lowers your blood sugar temporarily. till you eat again. diabetes never goes away and it wont until we have a cure!

  2. No. once you have diabetes, it is for life.  There is no cure other than a pancreas transplant.  It does not go away, but it can be controlled well.  Your grandfather can bring his blood sugar readings down by watching his diet,..limiting the amount of carbs he eats, stays away from sugars, things made with white flour, like breads, cakes, pastas, and white potatoes.  If he counts carbs, he can eat things things in limited amounts.  He needs to take his meds as prescribed by the doctor, and if they seem not to be working, he needs to see his doctor, his meds may need adjusting or changed.  Tell him to get some daily exercise, like walking.  Signing up for some diabetic ed. classes is also a good idea.  He will learn a lot.  As to the 2 answers above about type 2 being reversed or "resolving" itself with diet and exercise....false.

    You can only control it, it is never resolved or reversed.

  3. If someone has diabetes because their pancreas does not make insulin, that will never get better.

    If someone has diabetes because they are extremely overweight, some people may be able to reverse that with weight loss and proper diet.

    Chances are your grandfather will continue to have diabetes.

    Things he can do to lower blood sugar:

    1. exercise (as little as walking if able)

    2. Take diabetes medications or insulin without fail

    3. Eat more vegetables

    4. Avoid sugars

    5. Avoid overeating

    6. Meet with diabetic educator and FOLLOW what is being taught.

  4. i have been a diabetic since i was 3 i know a lot about it and honestly thereisn'tt a good chance of it going away. there are 2 things that could happen: 1. there isresearchh 4 a cure, if they find it it could be resolved. 2: if he has it because of weight if he goes on a healthy diet andmonitorss the levels well it could resolve on its own, but if he has inherited it or it runs in the family like mine does sorry but thereisn'tt a good chance ofresolvingg it. my father has it for an example ( because of his weight) he takes pills and is on a diet his condition is improving, me on the other hand i take in sulin shots and my condition has been the same for bring levels down.....he could either take insulin ONLY IF PRESCRIBED BY DR ......or drink plenty of WATER (only water works because it flushes your system and makes you use the bathroom which gets rid of keytones which makes u sick) if u have any ?s email me at ill be glad to help

  5. Diabetes can never fully go away. while all types are bad, it depends on which type of diabetes your grandfather has as to how it can be control.

    please visit for more information.

  6. It does not go away.  The best case scenario is that it can be controlled.  It can be controlled in the following manner::  Diet consisting of lower carbs per meal (less than 60gm per meal is the loose barometer--most diabetics prob eat 30-40 per meal)

    Exercise--simple as walking 30 minutes a day to start

    Medications:  Oral or injection depending on your Dr's prescribed treatment.

    Diabetes occurs when your pancreas produces less or no insulin or your body becomes insulin resistant

    Regarding earlier statement that if you are diabetic because your overweight and you can get rid of it is not true as your pancreas function is the issue in that scenario as well.  While weight is a risk factor, it is not the reason for a diagnosis.  That also creates the false impression that it is the patient's fault they have diabetes which is not true at all.  Diabetes is also hereditary risk but again no guarantee either.  No one in my family has it except me and I am not obese

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