
Diabetes question???

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im 15 years old and im just wondering if this could be diabetes. im going to the doctor next week but i just want a percent or what this could be. i have blurry sight i have sudden weight loss and gain. Shaky, headaches, exessive thirst, brown patches by my armpits and inside of elbows and the very top of leg.extreme hunger. numbness when i wake up in my hands and feet. very very extremly dry skin. and i have a scratch that has been there for a year and a half:[ so please answer this!




  1. If your doc suspects diabetes you should be there now!  One way you can check today is to go to the drugstore and buy ketone test strips.  If those strips show the presence of ketones you need to go to the hospital.

    Also, please know that diabetes is not the end of the world.

  2. This can be a lot of things that can only be determined by the blood draw at the doctor's office. The sudden weight loss AND gain is very concerning. Usually people get one or the other, not both.

    No, honey! I am afraid you just have to wait out the doctor's appointment and the blood draw to find out which or how many of the endocrine problems you may have.

  3. maybe

    its possible

    r u a sugar fan? then its very possible

    most diabetes signs r that ur thirsty all the time, u will eat but still feel hungry, headaches, u get mad for no reason, headaches, u will feel very tired and feeling shaky

    good luck

  4. Ask your doctor to test your blood and urine. That's the only way to know for sure if you have diabetes.

  5. Understanding Diabetes -- Symptoms

    What Are the Symptoms?

    Excessive thirst and appetite

    Increased urination (sometimes as often as every hour)

    Unusual weight loss or gain


    Nausea, perhaps vomiting

    Blurred vision

    In women, frequent vaginal infections

    In men and women, yeast infections

    Dry mouth

    Slow-healing sores or cuts

    Itching skin, especially in the groin or vaginal area

    Definitely see your doctor you are at risk.  I am Diabetic and I exprience numbness in hands and feet sometimes also.  Hunger usually when sugar is too low also the shakiness and headaches.  Good Luck.

  6. well it could be, but it could very well be something different, becase the only sighns u have of diabetes are thirst, weight loss, and headaches and eyesight.

  7. Aasdf   !

    b=Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.

    Some diabetes symptoms include:

    Frequent urination

    Excessive thirst

    Extreme hunger

    Unusual weight loss

    Increased fatigue


    Blurry vision

    If you have one or more of these diabetes symptoms, see your doctor right away.
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