
Diabetic Question About Surgar Levels?

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My mom had a cortizone shot for her knee three days ago. Since her sugar level is 350 and 359. Even after she takes her insolin shots. What can she do to bring it down?




  1. Exercise.  

  2. She needs to go to the dr. those reading are very high.

  3. The cortizone will make her blood sugars high for a little while.  Tell her to ask her doctor if she should use a little more insulin for the next few days or not.  If she is able to walk, doing it for 30 to 45 minutes, will also help bring her levels down.  If not, 350 is not life threatening, and it will only stay elevated from the shot for a few days, normally.. Clinical studies show absolutely no significant difference from using cinammon to help lower blood sugars. Even though there are some people that say it does help them, it is not found to help in 97% of the case.  She should ask her doctor about other suggestions, and make sure he is ok with using a little more insulin.

  4. Time will take care of the problem. that is the thing with cortizone or corticosteroids!! They have a very nasty effect on our glucose levels and blood pressure. I am sure her blood pressure matches her glucose level.

    She could talk to the doctor about additional insulin for a bit of time. This would bring the levels down somewhat.

  5. Try eating foods that lower blood sugar (green vegetables and cinnamon are 2). Also, I know it may be painful with her knew but she should try to walk 45 minutes a day.

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