
Diabetic on Metformin 500mg x 2,feeling hungry always,even if I eat a lot. FBS is between 120 and 150, ideas?

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I didn;t have this problem before, have been a diabetic for a while. I don't get the feeling that my stomach is full.




  1. Talk to your doc about BYETTA it slows your digestive track down and triggers the mind that your full. every meal feels like thanksgiving  

  2. This is common with diabetics, and can be a real pain in the a.. fresh veggies are a good snack. Drink lots of water and non sugar drinks. Smaller more frequent meals also might help.

  3. Couple of good comments on this one.  Your FBS is probably due to your liver dumping in the early morning.  This happens because your body is essentially starving itself while you are sleeping so the liver dumps extra sugar into your system to help you start the day.  Fairly normal readings you are seeing for a diabetic (mine were very similar).  I have gotten mine down into the low 100's sometimes and typically between 110 and 120.  My doctor recommended to eat a small snack before going to bed (peanut butter, almonds, etc).  Seems to be working.  Give it a try though make sure you don't go overboard on the snack, no more than 10 carbs or so.

    Good luck!

  4. Several suggestions:

    (1) eat more complex carbs, and fewer white/processed sugars/starches. Hunger is often the cause of too many processed carbs--try eating more protein at lunch than you have been.

    (2) Eat more often, but smaller meals. (1/3 of what you might usually eat.)

    (3) exercise at night--but not aerobic; only strength training exercising--THEN take your metformin in the evening. (don't take it prior to exercising.)

    (4) wake up earlier.  This last one--I'm serious. Your FBS may simply depend on whether or not you're getting up early enough. If your sugar drops at night, or while you are sleeping, and you don't wake up to eat, your liver will dump glucagon into your bloodstream which will RAISE your fasting sugar. This is called the "dawn phenomenon". The  If you get up even half an hour earlier, you might see readings that are normal/low. Try it, and see!

    (5) get screened for depression. That can cause constant hunger.

    (6) eat more nuts. They may be higher in fats, but fats are what make you less hungry. And nuts are really good for you. I eat a lot of slivered almonds because they do the job without a lot of calories.

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