
Diagnosed with gallstones?

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I am 3 months pregnant. I was diagnosed with gallstones before I found out I was pregnant. Needless to say that nothing can be done until the baby is born.

My questions is this: I have pain on my right side which my doctor said it was related to the stones. For the past month, I have been feeling it on my left side. The pain does not go from one side to the other; it is really 2 separate pains. It also feels exactly the same. A nurse told me it could be differed pain but I am not convinced. We recently found out that my mother's sister, brother and mother have cancer so this is a little bothering. I can help but wonder. I know I am limited in the tests they can do while I am pregnant.

Can anyone help me. It is located on the left side so around the stomach area, it feels the same as my gallbladder pain. The 2 pains do not occur at the same time. They alternate. I know stomach pain is usually felt in the middle of the abdomen. Also, I have a full abdominal ultrasound in June which only revealed gallstones.

Please help.




  1. Hi, I had Gallstones when my youngest was 8 months old, like you it started with just the right side pain, sometimes also in my right shoulder. About 3 months after I was diagnosed I had a really bad attack and felt it in my left side. Doctors swore blind it was my normal problem but i knew it was different. It turned out I had developed Gallstone Pancreatitis, which a not uncommon complication caused by a stone getting lodged in the bile duct. Maybe that is your problem as well, as it comes and goes maybe you are naturally passing stones through the duct causing a little pain on the way out, which is why nothing else would show. hope this helps :)

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