
Diagram flow? Algorithm? Curve Fit?

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i need make a diagram flow about curve fit... just help... tips... some page with this?





  1. Do you mean you need to draw a flowchart for a curve-fitting algorithm?

    You could try the least squares regression method, or you could:

    1) find the first difference of each consecutive pair of points.

    2) find the average of all first differences.  This is your slope (m).

    3) given every set of x and y, use your new slope to find all intercepts (b) using y=mx+b

    4) average all bs.

    5) output the average values for m and b as your final answer.

    wrap 1 and 3 above in a loop from 1 to n-1, where n is the number of points you have.

    Now draw each step inside a nice little box, one below the other.

    draw a circle at the top labelled 'start'

    and a another at the bottom labelled 'end'.

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