
Diahria at 31 weeks..and sharp pain?

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For the past 3 days ive been having diahria. My diet hasnt changed and i eat everything the same. MY husband and sister eats also the same thing i eat and they are fine. I am 31 weeks pgn and just wondering what can it mean. Also yesterday i had very sharp pain in my lower abdomen and when i would try to move it would hurt more, then by its self it stoped. Should i call my DR or this is okay? Thanx. This is my first so im worried about every little thing lol.




  1. Diarrhea is a sign of early labor. You may want to get checked by your doctor to be sure your not dilating.

    Or it may just be a tummy bug. I've had the same thing for the past 4 days. Diarrhea and a sharp pain in my lower left side. I also get tons of braxton hicks contractions.

    Good luck

  2. Call the doc.  The nurse will answer and talk to you about your concerns. I would call because diarrhea is a sign of labor.

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