
Diamond Braid or Cutting

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i am not sure if i should cut the mane or do i diamond braid. my horse is a paint and i am going to a local show. can i paint horse have a diamond braid????? i really dont want to cut it!!!




  1. yes PLEASE do that and don't cut the mane, since you have a APH the mane IS prolly beautiful, why cut that ?

    *get a person to do a good ole French braid, unless you can do it

    soak the mane in conditioner, comb out, *trim* a inch or so then start Frenching that horse...LOL

  2. Your horse sounds like it has a beautiful flowing mane.  So don't cut it! :) I think a diamond braid would work for a local show.  Or a running braid looks pretty on horses and shows off a nice neck.  It also keeps the mane tidy and out of the way.  I don't know why a running braid wouldn't be allowed unless there is a specific class.

    Here is a website of different styles of braids.  The Continental Braid looks great on my horse and his mane is super long.

  3. yes you can diamond braid! unless its more than a local schooling show, then i wouldnt. but i say go for it!

    good luck at your show and have fun!

  4. Diamond braids look very good if your horse has enough mane for them. I assume your horse does because you have asked about trimming it. They aren't difficult to do, so I would say give it a go. Unless you are going to a larger show than just a schooling or low-level show, a diamond braid would be perfectly acceptable. If the show is any larger, it may look tacky.

    Edit: When you asked about trimming it up, I didn't even think about braids or diamond braids. You could also use regular braids in his mane. Larger braids are good for just keeping the mane out of the way. Smaller braids make the mane look neater. Diamond braids, I have seen lots of people do just to keep the mane together and out of the way. It creates such a nifty design, that you have to do a bit of a double-take on it.

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