
Diana's kids?

by Guest66637  |  earlier

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where would i find a hair from both of the kids and one of charles?, wouldnt a dna test prove interesting.....




  1. It is said that Harry and William's hair color comes from her side of the family anyway. Red hair is more prevelant on Diana's side than Charles'.

  2. Why for heaven's sake?  Don't you think Harry looks just like a Windsor???

  3. Good luck.  You'd probably get arrested for breaking and entering and/or burglary.

  4. umm they have a name for that...and its called being a stalker...get a new hobby dude

  5. why would you do that?

    well you could probably go into their personal belongings and find a hair brush and stuff??

  6. Oh come on u want to dignify this w/a serious response both Di and Charles family members have red hair. Get over it.

  7. Diana's brother has red hair, so it's in her family.
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