
Diaper party games?

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I'm throwing a diaper party for my husband. Both guys and girls will be attending. We're providing food and alcohol in exchange for people donating diapers. I'd like to have some fun games that both men and women would enjoy that would break the ice so everyone can kinda get to know one another. Any suggestions?




  1. Ummmm---what?  A diaper party?  I don't get it.  If you need diapers that badly, why don't you take the money that you were going to use to buy food and booze and buy some freaking diapers?

  2. This is always a Hit!!  Announce that you are now going to have a Beer drinking contest!!  Knowing  the Guys are gonna be "Macho and Studly" LOL  They will RACE to be in on it!  Line them up standin in front of those not playing, and tell them stay there while you go get the Beer.......when you come to their surprize.......when you show up with "Baby Bottles" filled with beer!!  It is too fun to watch!!

    Good Luck with your baby, and your Party!!

  3. Toilette paper game-  hand each guest (or you can do it in teams) a roll of toilette paper and have them guess the size of the pregnant lady's waist, using the toilette paper as a measure.  Once everyone has made their guesses, the paper is measured around the belly and a winner is determined.

    Don't say BABY- As soon as guests arrive, hand them 5-10 clothespins.  Instruct them that they are not to say the word BABY or any variation of the word.  If they do and someone hears it, the person who heard it can take a pin away from the person who said it.  At the end of the party, the person with the most pins wins.

  4. What's in the Dirty Diaper?

    Prep number the diapers from 1 to … then determine what candy bar goes with which diaper number and record that number, so you have a record of it.

    Now melt or smash different kinds of candy (M&M's, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Twix, Milk Duds, Kit Kat, Skittles, etc…) and put into a diaper. FYI – A few seconds in the microwave makes any candy bar melt into a gooey mess.

    Hand out paper and pens so guest can write down what candy they think is in the diaper. Then pass the diapers with the smashed candy in it around the rooms, each guest must examine and smell the contents of the diaper to determine what the candy it is. Then they write down the name of the candy on a sheet of paper, the guest with the most right wins a small prize.

    Note: Have your camera ready for this game; you will get some priceless pictures not soon to be forgotten.

  5. I've never heard of a diaper party but it sounds fun.

    Is it like a baby-shower?

    This is a game that when I went to a baby shower with my sister,



    Pillows and gifts


    ask the guests to come "pregnant," wearing maternity smocks stuffed with pillows.


    Let them walk around for awhile and take pictures.

    At game time, have guests replace their pillows with gifts.

    Mom-to-be must feel each "belly" and guess the gift underneath.

    Its really fun!

    here is another

    Baby Food Taste Test

    See who’s taste buds are mom ready!



          8 Jars of Different Types of Baby Food


          Tin Foil


          Plastic Spoons


          Paper Plates


          Paper & Pencils


    Cover the jars with foil and write a number on the side of each jar.

    Pass out plastic spoons, paper plates, and paper and pencil for each player.

    Ask players to write the numbers 1 through 8 around the outside of the plate.

    Pass around each jar of baby food and have players drop a spoonful next to each number.

    They must taste the globs and try to identify each flavor.

    Remove the foil to reveal the answers. Whoever has the most correct answers wins a prize. You'll get some funny faces during the tasting so keep the camera handy!

    have a great one!
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