
Did 'Earth Hour' cure global warming?

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Now that everyone shut off their lights and concerved energy, global warming is done with, right?

If Earth Hour didn't fix global warming, what was the point?




  1. ~ Its not going to be a instant cure,,,what it did do is make more people aware,,,,,,the more that are aware,,,,then possibly the more people that will put forth more of an effort to help get our earth healthy.........

  2. This isn't something you "cure" overnight.

    This will be a battle for many years.  But, if we are smart about it, we can do it.  Here's the plan:

    Things like Earth Hour are important because they help people get onboard with the plan.  Sorry it didn't work that way for you.

  3. N O, There is absolutely no point in this nonsense.

  4. No, BUT, If we all and I mean ALL the people of the WORLD jump at the same time, the earth will change its orbit & put a stop to global warming!

  5. Why don't those dummies just install timers,dusk to dawn, and motion sensors ? My home has been that way for@ least 10 yrs. I did get rid of the new lights bulbs, they are junk. "Whats all the hoopla about anyway?"

  6. No Earth hour did not cure global warming and nothing ever will however we can decrease our ecological footprint to help prevent further damage but there is no cure. Earth hour is symbolic and represents a change which we all should make in order to be greener

  7. It snowed last night.  So maybe.

  8. nope. it didn't "fix" global warming. but it saved LOADS of energy.  which can help "fix" global warming.

  9. Probably not. But it did make me, for example, think once again whether I need that light on in the corridor and in the bathroom and in the kitchen when, actually, I was in my bedroom. Saving energy should be a priority these days, we just overtotured the planet quite a bit and seem to be way too comfortable saying in that sarcastic tone - What's that all nonsense about then? - from the surroundings of great comfort we got unjustifiably used to. That's about switching the lights off for me.

  10. It's a lot colder where I live today. It must have worked.

  11. I would gladly turn my lights off for two hours each evening,not only for earth,but for my pocketbook as well.

  12. Yes! the air is much cleaner today

  13. Earth hour was the stupidest thing ever.

    Read this to see what might of happened.;...

    So while the lights were off, environmentalists came to rob you.

    You can't cure something that doesn't exist.

    Check this out:;...

    Don't forget to check which section its in lol.

  14. Whoops! I guess global warming was NEVER THERE to begin with! Too bad, Mr. Gore. Our energy-conserving efforts were wasted last night while you flew across the country to another one of your global warming speeches, in your huge, pollutant-admitting jet.

  15. I hadn't heard about earth hour until yesterday, when Google had their bass-ackwards black screen.  

    I don't think "Earth Hour" had an real impact on the world at all.

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